"To-do list" is a tool that helps to organize your day. It simply lists the things that you need to do and allows you to mark them as complete.


To-Do List


"To-do list" is a tool that helps to organize your day. It simply lists the things that you need to do and allows you to mark them as complete.

Getting Started


to set it up yo have to first run

npm install

after that you can run the local development server with:

npm start

Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Webpack

Live Demo

Live Demo Link


👤 Juan Luis Palacios

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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To-do list is a tool that helps to organize your day. It simply lists the things that you need to do and allows you to mark them as complete. Built with JavaScript.

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"To-do list" is a tool that helps to organize your day. It simply lists the things that you need to do and allows you to mark them as complete.

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"To-do list" is a tool that helps to organize your day. It simply lists the things that you need to do and allows you to mark them as complete.

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"To-do list" is a tool that helps to organize your day. It simply lists the things that you need to do and allows you to mark them as complete.

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Microverse Module 02 Project: This is educational project is a tool that helps to organize your day. It simply lists the things that you need to do and allows you to mark them as complete. Built with HTML, Sass, JavaScript and Webpack.

Project Demo Live Demo Description To-do list is a tool that helps to organize your day. It simply lists the things that you need to do and allows you

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To-do list" is an app that helps to organize your day. the user simply lists the things that needs to done and the app allows the to mark them as complete when they are done. Made with webpack, JavaScript ES6 , HTML 5 and CSS 3.

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Aug 3, 2022
  • Test 2

    Test 2

    Implement second part of unit tests

    • Add test for editDescription
    • Add statusUpdate test
    • Add clearAllCompleted test
    • Add save and load functions tests
    • test adding an element with DOM manipulation
    • delete with DOM
    • clear all DOM manipulation test
    opened by JuanLPalacios 0
  • Part 1: Add and Remove Tests

    Part 1: Add and Remove Tests

    What does this PR do?

    • [x] Test we can add an item
    • [x] Test if there are previous items the new one should have an index of the array length
    • [x] Test for it should remove an element
    • [x] Test If remove function exists
    • [x] Test if we re-assign the index when removed
    opened by 41hulk 0
  • DRY, KISS, and YAGNI rules.

    DRY, KISS, and YAGNI rules.


    the functions statusUpdate and editDescription do the same.


    the exported functions should be arrow functions constants.


    no problem here.

    opened by JuanLPalacios 0
  • Code Review

    Code Review

    Seeing such an attractive website makes the user experience very impressive. All the functions perform really well, especially when a task has completed the line through the task makes it look amazing. Like every code, this repository can be improved with the following suggestions:

    • It's not necessary but functionality to reset the Todo list will be very helpful. Suppose someone wants to start from the very beginning and remove all completed and uncompleted tasks.
    • The code looks very good and is very easy to understand but it would be better to gather all the code in one class so that it becomes easier to understand the functionality.
    • It's a great thing to have a single function to manipulate DOM. But adding all the tasks to every change is not good performance-wise. It may be good to manipulate individual elements in the list.
    opened by Saadat123456 0
Juan Palacios
I'm a Colombian Full-stack developer with 10+ years of experience, familiar with PHP, ASP, and Node.js as well as Angular React and AppRun. [available for hire]
Juan Palacios
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