Type-safe and Promisified API for Web Worker and Iframe


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Create a worker.ts:

import { handleActions } from "typed-worker"

export const actions = {
  async sum(a: number, b: number) {
    await someHeavyOperation()
    return a + b

export type Actions = typeof actions


In your app.ts where you want to use the worker:

import { createWorker } from "typed-worker"
import { type Actions } from "./worker"

const worker = createWorker<Actions>(
  // Require a bundler like Vite, webpack etc
  () =>
    new Worker(new URL("./worker.ts", import.meta.url), {
      type: "module",

const result = await worker.run("sum", 1, 2)


To use the worker.ts in an iframe instead of a web worker, you only need to return the iframe element in createWorker instead:

const iframe = createWorker<Actions>(
  () => document.querySelector<HTMLIframeElement>("#your-iframe-element")!,

const result = await iframe.run("sum", 1, 2)





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