A place to view, solve, and run common coding puzzles


Node.js CI


A place to view, solve, and run common coding puzzles.

Getting Started


git clone https://github.com/eallen10/coding-puzzlers.git


npm i

Run All Puzzles

npm run test

Run Specific Puzzle

npm run test -- -i '<path_to_puzzle_spec>

Add New Puzzle

npm run add:new:puzzle <new_puzzle_name>

This will create a new puzzle folder and the following template files:

  • puzzle.md - the description of your new puzzle
  • solutions.ts - a file to store solutions to your puzzle
  • <new_puzzle_name>.spec.ts - a spec file to hold your puzzle tests


The puzzles in this project were gathered from the following sources:

The Blind 75

Name Difficulty Added Solution
two-sum easy y y
best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock easy y y
contains-duplicate easy y y
product-of-array-except-self medium y y
maximum-subarray medium y y
maximum-product-subarray medium y y
find-minimum-in-rotated-sorted-array medium y y
search-in-rotated-sorted-array medium n n
three-sum medium n n
container-with-most-water medium n n
sum-of-two-integers medium n n
number-of-one-bits easy n n
counting-bits easy n n
missing-number easy n n
reverse-bits easy n n
climbing-stairs easy n n
coin-change medium n n
longest-increasing-subsequence medium y n

Other Sources

Name Difficulty Added Solution
is-it-a-palindrome easy y y
reverse-a-string easy y y
robot-bounded-in-circle medium y y
roman-numeral-to-number easy y y
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