Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier



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Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier

UUID can be suboptimal for many uses-cases because:

  • It isn't the most character efficient way of encoding 128 bits of randomness
  • UUID v1/v2 is impractical in many environments, as it requires access to a unique, stable MAC address
  • UUID v3/v5 requires a unique seed and produces randomly distributed IDs, which can cause fragmentation in many data structures
  • UUID v4 provides no other information than randomness which can cause fragmentation in many data structures

Instead, herein is proposed ULID:

  • 128-bit compatibility with UUID
  • 1.21e+24 unique ULIDs per millisecond
  • Lexicographically sortable!
  • Canonically encoded as a 26 character string, as opposed to the 36 character UUID
  • Uses Crockford's base32 for better efficiency and readability (5 bits per character)
  • Case insensitive
  • No special characters (URL safe)
  • Monotonic sort order (correctly detects and handles the same millisecond)

Install with a script tag

<script src="https://unpkg.com/ulid@{{VERSION_NUMBER}}/dist/index.umd.js"></script>

Install with NPM

npm install --save ulid


TypeScript, ES6+, Babel, Webpack, Rollup, etc.. environments

import { ulid } from 'ulid'


CommonJS environments

const ULID = require('ulid')


AMD (RequireJS) environments

define(['ULID'] , function (ULID) {


To generate a ULID, simply run the function!

import { ulid } from 'ulid'


Seed Time

You can also input a seed time which will consistently give you the same string for the time component. This is useful for migrating to ulid.

ulid(1469918176385) // 01ARYZ6S41TSV4RRFFQ69G5FAV

Monotonic ULIDs

To generate monotonically increasing ULIDs, create a monotonic counter.

Note that the same seed time is being passed in for this example to demonstrate its behaviour when generating multiple ULIDs within the same millisecond

import { monotonicFactory } from 'ulid'

const ulid = monotonicFactory()

// Strict ordering for the same timestamp, by incrementing the least-significant random bit by 1
ulid(150000) // 000XAL6S41ACTAV9WEVGEMMVR8
ulid(150000) // 000XAL6S41ACTAV9WEVGEMMVR9
ulid(150000) // 000XAL6S41ACTAV9WEVGEMMVRA
ulid(150000) // 000XAL6S41ACTAV9WEVGEMMVRB
ulid(150000) // 000XAL6S41ACTAV9WEVGEMMVRC

// Even if a lower timestamp is passed (or generated), it will preserve sort order
ulid(100000) // 000XAL6S41ACTAV9WEVGEMMVRD

Pseudo-Random Number Generators

ulid automatically detects a suitable (cryptographically-secure) PRNG. In the browser it will use crypto.getRandomValues and on node it will use crypto.randomBytes.

Allowing the insecure Math.random

By default, ulid will not use Math.random, because that is insecure. To allow the use of Math.random, you'll have to use factory and detectPrng.

import { factory, detectPrng } from 'ulid'

const prng = detectPrng(true) // pass `true` to allow insecure
const ulid = factory(prng)

ulid() // 01BXAVRG61YJ5YSBRM51702F6M

Use your own PRNG

To use your own pseudo-random number generator, import the factory, and pass it your generator function.

import { factory } from 'ulid'
import prng from 'somewhere'

const ulid = factory(prng)

ulid() // 01BXAVRG61YJ5YSBRM51702F6M

You can also pass in a prng to the monotonicFactory function.

import { monotonicFactory } from 'ulid'
import prng from 'somewhere'

const ulid = monotonicFactory(prng)

ulid() // 01BXAVRG61YJ5YSBRM51702F6M

Implementations in other languages

Refer to ulid/spec


Refer to ulid/spec

Test Suite

npm test


npm run perf
336,331,131 op/s » encodeTime
102,041,736 op/s » encodeRandom
17,408 op/s » generate

Suites:  1
Benches: 3
Elapsed: 7,285.75 ms
  • Not sure I like the new spec's

    Not sure I like the new spec's "increment within same ms" change + more thoughts

    You changed the spec to include:

    To ensure sortability for IDs generated within the same millisecond, implementations should remember the most recently generated randomness string and increment the most significant character that is not the last character in the encoding.

    I don't think you understand the impact of this change; it brings a whole lot of hurt into your world. For instance, you can't rely on wall-clock-time (which you fell for). Unless you can get a reliable, monotonic, strictly increasing timesource (which is (near?) impossible AFAIK in JS) you'll run into trouble later. Why? Because: wall-clock-time goes back (DST) / stands still (leap seconds are sometimes implemented as such) / does other weird stuff (and there's even more). Trust me, I know :wink: Sidenote: some systems may not even have 'ms-resolution' timers, something to consider too.

    There's 80 bits of random data; I think it's safe to assume (even with the birthday paradox in mind) that the chance on a collision (within any, random, millisecond) is similar to the chance of a GUID collision. However, that would be if the ULID's would be spread evenly across time (which would, in effect, make a ULID similar or even equal to a GUID). So, given that ULID's are typically 'clustered' in a certain timespan the chance on a collision goes up. Worst-case would be a DST change + some other 'random event' that would cause the same 'millisecond'-point-in-time to exist (say) 3 or 4 times. The chance on a collision would increase a lot but (I haven't done the math yet) would still suffice for most purposes unless you're Google maybe and generating many millions or even billions of ULID's p/ms.

    So I guess my advice is to leave that part out of the spec (and, let's be honest, this method is no beauty either (it could be improved but wouldn't be worth the trouble IMHO)) and keep implementations much simpler that way. You could compare a ULID it with a v4 UUID with the only difference that the first 6 bytes (48 bits) are reserved for a timestamp for better ordering. However, it does mean that, within the millisecond, the ordering is 'random' so that the spec may need to be more clear about it / reflect that fact.

    Besides time, by the way, this tiny change in the spec also requires you to keep state between generating ULID's (so you'll need to keep the generator-object around for example), introduces chances for race conditions (multithreading; N threads generating ULID's will, without proper locking etc. inevitably generate exactly the same ULID's) and all other sorts of things that either need to be taken for granted (which will bite you in the *ss sooner than later) or need to be worked out / specified.

    For inspiration about some more of the problems you might run into you might want to look at Twitter's Snowflake (retired but still available) or have a look at my "Snowflake-alike" IdGen. Both are 64 bit (actually 63*) equivalents of ulid.

    * Come to think of it: You might also want to steer clear of the sign-bit; when systems would order on the (internal) 128 bit representation / byte-array (for 'speed') the order may 'break' as soon as the sign bit is set to 1. Twitter thought of it way before it happened but I think it's a good idea. Sacrificing 1 bit out of 128 should't be that much of a problem (though it does halve your "ulid-space" from 2^128 to 2^127).

    I was/am doing a ulid .Net port (waaay more extensive than fvilvers', with all due respect!) and also implemented the binary form, created methods to convert to/from UUID's (since ULID's and UUID's are both 128 bit you can easily convert one to the other and vice versa). I also implemented a Parse(...) method and some others and ~~will publish on GitHub very soon~~ have put it on GitHub. There are some things I thought of / came across which might need 'agreement' and be put in the spec:

    • ~~ulid's are, IMHO, case-insensitive (e.g. NOT case-sensitive)~~ We seem to agree on that; missed it in your README :stuck_out_tongue:
    • We may want to allow / think about / specify a(n optional?) separator for readability. No { and } mess like (G/U)UID's but something like ttttt-ttttt-rrrrrr-rrrrr-rrrrr (lengths 5-5-6-5-5) might make ulid's more readable. Other formats/separators are ofcourse a possibility (as well as none of this ofcourse; I'm just bringing my ideas to the table)
    • You/we may want to decide on pronunciation and document it: "you-lid"? "you-el-i-dee"? "uhl-id"? Something else? You/we want to avoid the GIF's "Jif" v.s. "Gif" wars
    • Besides the pronunciation, same goes for a "standardized" writing. I catch myself writing ulid, ULID, UlId, ... so that may have to be standardized too
    • I had more... but can't think of it now. Will add here / open new issue when I think of it.

    So far, for now, another $0.02 of mine :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    Edit: FYI; I just released V1.0 of NUlid. :tada: Maybe you can add it to your list of community contributed ports?

    opened by RobThree 16
  • Binary implementation in readme

    Binary implementation in readme

    Hey everyone,

    I've added a column in the readme for binary implementations in your libraries. If you have implemented it, please let me know here or submit a PR so I can add the ✓!

    @SuperPaintman @savonarola @merongivian @imdario @Lewiscowles1986 @ararslan @RobThree @fvilers @mdipierro @rafaelsales

    opened by alizain 11
  • What is the most accessible way to get ulid in Docker image?

    What is the most accessible way to get ulid in Docker image?

    Installing the entire Node.js as a dependency is ... inefficient to say the least.

    None of the Python libraries seem to provide CLI interface.

    Is there a recommended program?

    I need ulid ID as part of a build process.

    opened by gajus 10
  • Monotonically strictly increasing clock source

    Monotonically strictly increasing clock source

    I'm just wondering, did you find a monotonic strict increasing clock source for the timestamp generation? Otherwise there's a small change at high resolution scenarios where the time will be the same, we could get an equal time and then the ids are not strictly ordered. Compare with: https://github.com/boundary/flake And with reference to: http://learnyousomeerlang.com/time

    On a single machine it should be possible with just a counter though, but then you need to keep state of the old counter somewhere. If the OS could provide this counter, it would be much easier.

    opened by CMCDragonkai 7
  • Use Typescript module support

    Use Typescript module support

    Since you are switching to Typescript, you can remove the manual code for the "UMD" wrapper and instead use ES2015 exports and let Typescript build your module wrappers for you with compile options in the tsconfig.json.

    Also, you can remove index.d.ts if you already have an index.ts as Typescript will refer to that for its own definitions instead. (In fact the error I'm seeing with recent npm version is that the current index.ts is not a module and cannot be imported (because of the manual module wrapper confusing Typescript's type senses.)

    I'd be happy to help with a PR if you would like, but this is the sort of thing might be better to do as learning experience, so I'll leave that up to you.

    opened by WorldMaker 6
  • Add browser field to package.json

    Add browser field to package.json

    This is related to #54.

    When building projects using webpack it is common to exclude the node_modules folder from transpiration because this causes the build times to sky rocket (especially in projects with big dependency trees).

    It should be safe to assume that a package was transpiled so it runs on ES5, to cut down on transpilation times.

    The ulid package does seem to have a transpiled UMD bundle in lib/index.umd.js, which webpack supports. The error we saw in #54 (and which I'm seeing in my projects) is due to webpack not picking up on this transpiled bundle, because by default it tries the module alias fields in this order:

    1. browser
    2. module
    3. main

    The package.json of ulid contains the following relevant fields:

      "main": "./lib/index.umd.js",
      "module": "./lib/index.js",

    So, module is being picked up before main by webpack, causing builds to break. As you've said, adding transpilation (and enabling it for node_modules) should fix the problem. I propose however, that you add a browser field, so by default webpack builds will work as well:

      "main": "./lib/index.umd.js",
    + "browser": "./lib/index.umd.js",
      "module": "./lib/index.js",

    I've tested it locally and my webpack build works when these changes are applied.

    opened by romeovs 4
  • Descending ULID

    Descending ULID

    I would like to create a ULID using a negative timestamp so when sorted in lexicographical order we get a descending sort. However it seems, at least in the nodejs implementation, that an error is thrown if I specify a negative timestamp.

    opened by thdxr 4
  • Fundamental problem

    Fundamental problem

    Ulid is defined as 128 bit binary and base32 is a 5 bit space.

    So if you divide 128/5 = 25.6 so if 80 bits / 16 chars is random them time is 10 chars / 50 bits 80 bits + 50 bits = 130 bits !!

    So when decoding a 26 chars to 16 octets you will have data-loss When encoding back from octets to chars you will have missing data

    Specs is not clear what to do. Time atm is zero padded so from octets to chars you can assume the 2 extra bits are zero to the left of the 128 and on decoding you have to trim the 2 bits from the left before anything.

    opened by mmacedoeu 4
  • Is there a way to get the timestamp from a given ULID?

    Is there a way to get the timestamp from a given ULID?

    Use case:

    If I store the ULID in the DB and I can retrieve timestamp information from the ULID, I won't need to store a separate timestamp column anymore.

    opened by dashmug 3
  • String form has 2-bits of redundancy

    String form has 2-bits of redundancy

    We discovered by accident in my team that the string version (26 characters of Crockford's base32) encodes 130 bits (26 * 5) rather than 128 bits. These extra two bits are correctly stripped by the implementations we've played with (Python, Julia, Golang).

    See for example: https://github.com/oklog/ulid/issues/9

    This means that there are four string encodings mapping to the same binary ULID, for every ULID.

    This is not something you encounter generating them normally, since you will always generate them with a timestamp of right now. But in our random fuzz testing of an internal API, we encountered them.

    As an implementation side note, I would recommend rejecting string ULIDs with a prefix above 7 (a ULID beginning with 8 has the same binary as one beginning with 0) with an error rather than parsing them.

    opened by larsyencken 3
  • Added ability to seed the time component of the id

    Added ability to seed the time component of the id

    I need a way to be able to migrate my old database to use ulid. In order for me to do that, I need to be able to seed the time component so that I can still sort the migrated data and new data using the id.

    opened by jansenignacio 3
  • Look for crypto library using `self` keyword instead of `window`

    Look for crypto library using `self` keyword instead of `window`

    The name of the global namespace varies in different execution environments. The self keyword allows accessing crypto in both the browser and WorkerGlobalScope (web workers/service workers), whereas window only works for the browser. This change allows the library to work in more environments than previously.


    Window.self WorkerGlobalScope.self Web APIs available in Workers

    opened by jrsun 1
  • Bump marked from 0.3.6 to 0.3.19

    Bump marked from 0.3.6 to 0.3.19

    Bumps marked from 0.3.6 to 0.3.19.

    Release notes

    Sourced from marked's releases.

    0.3.18 minified required new release

    0.3.18 did not have changes to min.

    Minor fixes and updated docs

    • Supported Markdown flavors: CommonMark 0.28 and GitHub Flavored Markdown 0.28
    • Updates to our CI pipeline; we're all green! #1098 with the caveat that there is a test that needs to get sorted (help us out #1092)
    • Start ordered lists using the initial numbers from markdown lists (#1144)
    • Added GitHub Pages site for documentation https://marked.js.org/ (#1138)

    Processes and tools

    • The elephant in the room: A security vulnerability was discovered and fixed. Please note, if something breaks due to these changes, it was not our intent, and please let us know by submitting a PR or issue to course correct (the nature of the zero-major release and having security as a number one priority) #1083
    • The other elephant in the room: We missed publishing a 0.3.16 release to GitHub; so, trying to make up for that a bit.
    • Updates to the project documentation and operations, you should check it out, just start with the README and you should be good.
    • New release PR template available #1076
    • Updates to default PR and Issue templates #1076
    • Lint checks + tests + continuous integration using Travis #1020
    • Updated testing output #1085 & #1087

    Fix capturing parens

    Fixes unintended breaking change from v0.3.14

    New year, new home

    • Marked has a new home under the MarkedJS org! Other advances soon to come.
    • Updated minifier.
    • Various parser fixes

    New Year, new Marked!

    • Addresses issue where some users might not have been able to update due to missing use strict #991
    • Parser fix #977
    • New way to perform tests with options and running individual tests #1002
    • Improved test cases
    • Improved links

    Merry XSSmas

    We think with this version we have addressed most, if not all, known security vulnerabilities. If you find more, please let us know.


    Should fix XSS issue discovered.

    Maintainer changes

    This version was pushed to npm by amidknight, a new releaser for marked since your current version.

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

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    • @dependabot use these labels will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
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    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Error in worker

    Error in worker

    in order to detect the browser, you need to take into account that the code can be executed in the worker and there is no window, but there is self

    root = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : null;

    should be rewritten as

    root = self instanceof Window || self instanceof ServiceWorkerGlobalScope || self instanceof Worker ? self : null;
    opened by budarin 1
  • Bump path-parse from 1.0.5 to 1.0.7

    Bump path-parse from 1.0.5 to 1.0.7

    Bumps path-parse from 1.0.5 to 1.0.7.


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Bump lodash from 4.17.4 to 4.17.21

    Bump lodash from 4.17.4 to 4.17.21

    Bumps lodash from 4.17.4 to 4.17.21.

    • f299b52 Bump to v4.17.21
    • c4847eb Improve performance of toNumber, trim and trimEnd on large input strings
    • 3469357 Prevent command injection through _.template's variable option
    • ded9bc6 Bump to v4.17.20.
    • 63150ef Documentation fixes.
    • 00f0f62 test.js: Remove trailing comma.
    • 846e434 Temporarily use a custom fork of lodash-cli.
    • 5d046f3 Re-enable Travis tests on 4.17 branch.
    • aa816b3 Remove /npm-package.
    • d7fbc52 Bump to v4.17.19
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view
    Maintainer changes

    This version was pushed to npm by bnjmnt4n, a new releaser for lodash since your current version.

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
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jQuery.fancyTable A jQuery plugin for making html tables searchable and sortable with pagination. Live demo See a live demo on CodePen Installation Us

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This is a jquery ui sortable helper plugin for handy tree type structure sotable.

Tree Sortable A drag and drop list item sorting and level changing library. Motivation The jQuery-ui's sortable plugin allows us to sort items vertica

Sajeeb Ahamed 10 Dec 23, 2022