Library for generating unique, repeatable book covers on the fly 📚


Covers by ReadShape


What is this?

So. Books have covers, right? Well, yes, but actually no.

Books are tricky business. If the book is self published then it might not have a cover or an ISBN. Other times a book might be incredibly old and never really had a cover to begin with.

How this helps with it?

No one is going to make covers for these books, but that doesn't mean we can just leave them naked & coverless. We want to create a beautiful UI so we have to show something.

So that is what we do. We will, given the same input arguments, always create the same cover on the fly. It will obviously not be a "real" cover, but it's better than nothing or just a gray cover.


What variance is there?

The covers have some variation. Each cover can be broken down into multiple pieces.

Cover color

A cover (might) have a unique color. It can be the following.

  • Gradient based on input hash
  • Static predefined color

Detail placement (title & author)

Details have predefined placement, but it still has the following variance.

  • Top (left, center, or right)
  • Bottom (left, center, or right)

Flow field

We generate a flow field based on the input hash. This affects the pattern.


There are the following patterns we can draw.

  • Circle
  • Waves


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    Possible merging of some features

    Hello, i've made a fork of your incredible project and added some features which i think would be useful for some users.

    Would you be interested in merging? My fork tree is really barebones, i've removed most of the dev dependencies, but i can just add them back.

    If you have any feedback or criticism, please say so, i'm new to this haha.

    Changes in my fork:

    Your code is now wrapped in a useEffect().
    I noticed that when using it directly, there's a small period where nothing is rendered, since the component is making it's calculations.
    So i've gone ahead and introduced a fallbackComponent prop which may be used to render, say, a spinner while the cover loads.

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    I hope that some of these changes may be useful to you, and thanks for your hard work.

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