Browser-compatible JS library for running language models


Huggingface Transformers Running in the Browser

Azure Static Web Apps CI/CD

This library enables you to run huggingface transformer models directly in the browser. It accomplishes this by running the models using the ONNX Runtime JavaScript API and by implementing its own JavaScript-only tokenization library.

At the moment, it is compatible with Google's T5 models, but it was designed to be expanded. I hope to support GPT2, Roberta, and InCoder in the future.

Live Demo

This demo is a static website hosted on Azure Static Web Apps. No code is executed on the server. Instead, the neural network is downloaded and executed in the browser.

See the Makefile demo rule to see how the demo is built.


This example shows how to use the library to load the T5 neural network to translate from English to French.

// Load the tokenizer and model.
const tokenizer = await AutoTokenizer.fromPretrained("t5-small", "/models");
const model = await AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.fromPretrained("t5-small", "/models");

// Translate "Hello, world!"
const english = "Hello, world!";
const inputTokenIds = tokenizer.encode("translate English to French: " + english);
const outputTokenIds = await model.generate(inputTokenIds, {maxLength:50,topK:10});
const french = tokenizer.decode(outputTokenIds, true);
console.log(french); // "Bonjour monde!"

To run this demo, you need to have converted the model to ONNX format using the Model Conversion Tool.

python3 tools/ t5-small models


The library contains several components:

  1. Tokenizers to load and execute pretrained tokenizers from their huggingface JSON representation.
  2. Transformers to load and execute pretrained models from their ONNX representation.
  3. Model Converter to convert huggingface models to ONNX to be served by your static web server.






Currently only the T5 network is supported.


The neural network outputs the logarithm of the probability of each token. In order to get a token, a probabilistic sample has to be taken. The following algorithms are implemented:

  • Greedy: Take the token with the highest probability.
  • Top-k: Take the top-k tokens with the highest probability.

Model Converter

The ONNX Runtime for the Web is used to run models in the browser.

You can run the conversion from the command line:

python3 tools/ <modelid> <outputdir> <quantize> <testinput>

For example:

python3 tools/ praeclarum/cuneiform ./models true "Translate Akkadian to English: lugal"

Or you can run it from Python:

from convert_model import t5_to_onnx

onnx_model = t5_to_onnx("t5-small", output_dir="./models", quantized=True)

Developer Note: The model conversion script is a thin wrapper over the amazing fastT5 library by @Ki6an. The wrapper exists because I hope to support more model types in the future.

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  • What would it take to allow further training of pretrained models in the browser?

    What would it take to allow further training of pretrained models in the browser?

    First of all, let me start by complimenting your amazing work.

    I am trying to learn AI/ML for the job market. Transformer models seem to be the state-of-the-art AI models, and your work just made it more accessible to everyone.

    This is not a bug report, rather it is a question.

    I think that it will be great if these pretrained models could be further trained using the browser interface as well. I am wondering whether an additional few series of training data, perhaps a series of questions and answers (may be like initially some text around 10kb in size) can be used to further train a model with some reasonable amount of time and compute power, in the browser itself.

    Do you think it is possible, and if yes then do you have a plan to make this feature and user interface, a part of this project?

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