Build blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React



Gatsby v3

⚛️ 📄 🚀

Fast in every way that matters

Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps

Gatsby is released under the MIT license. Current CircleCI build status. Current npm package version. Downloads per month on npm. Total downloads on npm. PRs welcome! Follow @GatsbyJS

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Gatsby is a modern web framework for blazing fast websites.

  • Go Beyond Static Websites. Get all the benefits of static websites with none of the limitations. Gatsby sites are fully functional React apps, so you can create high-quality, dynamic web apps, from blogs to e-commerce sites to user dashboards.

  • Use a Modern Stack for Every Site. No matter where the data comes from, Gatsby sites are built using React and GraphQL. Build a uniform workflow for you and your team, regardless of whether the data is coming from the same backend.

  • Load Data From Anywhere. Gatsby pulls in data from any data source, whether it’s Markdown files, a headless CMS like Contentful or WordPress, or a REST or GraphQL API. Use source plugins to load your data, then develop using Gatsby’s uniform GraphQL interface.

  • Performance Is Baked In. Ace your performance audits by default. Gatsby automates code splitting, image optimization, inlining critical styles, lazy-loading, prefetching resources, and more to ensure your site is fast — no manual tuning required.

  • Host at Scale for Pennies. Gatsby sites don’t require servers, so you can host your entire site on a CDN for a fraction of the cost of a server-rendered site. Many Gatsby sites can be hosted entirely free on Gatsby Cloud and other similar services.

Learn how to use Gatsby for your next project.

What’s In This Document

🚀 Get Up and Running in 5 Minutes

You can get a new Gatsby site up and running on your local dev environment in 5 minutes with these four steps:

  1. Install the Gatsby CLI.

    npm install -g gatsby-cli
  2. Create a Gatsby site from a Gatsby starter.

    Get your Gatsby blog set up in a single command:

    # Create a new Gatsby site using the interactive setup wizard
    # Give it this name: My Gatsby site
    gatsby new
  3. Start the site in develop mode.

    Next, move into your new site’s directory and start it up:

    cd my-gatsby-site/
    gatsby develop
  4. Open the source code and start editing!

    Your site is now running at http://localhost:8000. Open the my-gatsby-site directory in your code editor of choice and edit src/pages/index.js. Save your changes, and the browser will update in real time!

At this point, you’ve got a fully functional Gatsby website. For additional information on how you can customize your Gatsby site, see our plugins and the official tutorial.

🎓 Learning Gatsby

Full documentation for Gatsby lives on the website.

  • For most developers, we recommend starting with our in-depth tutorial for creating a site with Gatsby. It starts with zero assumptions about your level of ability and walks through every step of the process.

  • To dive straight into code samples head to our documentation. In particular, check out the “How-to Guides”, “Reference”, and “Conceptual Guides” sections in the sidebar.

We welcome suggestions for improving our docs. See the “how to contribute” documentation for more details.

Start Learning Gatsby: Follow the Tutorial · Read the Docs

🚢 Release Notes

Wondering what we've shipped recently? Check out our release notes for key highlights, performance improvements, new features, and notable bugfixes.

💼 Migration Guides

Already have a Gatsby site? These handy guides will help you add the improvements of Gatsby v3 to your site without starting from scratch!

Code of Conduct

Gatsby is dedicated to building a welcoming, diverse, safe community. We expect everyone participating in the Gatsby community to abide by our Code of Conduct. Please read it. Please follow it. In the Gatsby community, we work hard to build each other up and create amazing things together. 💪 💜

🤝 How to Contribute

Whether you're helping us fix bugs, improve the docs, or spread the word, we'd love to have you as part of the Gatsby community! 💪 💜

Check out our Contributing Guide for ideas on contributing and setup steps for getting our repositories up and running on your local machine.

A note on how this repository is organized

This repository is a monorepo managed using Lerna. This means there are multiple packages managed in this codebase, even though we publish them to NPM as separate packages.

Contributing to Gatsby v2

We are only accepting critical security patches for Gatsby v2.

📝 License

Licensed under the MIT License.

💜 Thanks

Thanks goes out to all our many contributors creating plugins, starters, videos, and blog posts. And a special appreciation for our community members helping with issues and PRs, or answering questions on Discord and GitHub Discussions.

A big part of what makes Gatsby great is each and every one of you in the community. Your contributions enrich the Gatsby experience and make it better every day.

  • Error / page resources for / not found. Not rendering React

    Error / page resources for / not found. Not rendering React


    I'm having multiple Bugsnag reports from Safari and Mobile Safari (various versions and browsers) of this error in .cache/production-app.js in publicLoader.loadPage:

    Capture d'écran 2019-11-19 12 20 44

    Steps to reproduce

    I don't see this Error in my macOS Safari. Website is

    Expected result

    No error

    Actual result

    An error


        OS: macOS 10.14.6
        CPU: (8) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8259U CPU @ 2.30GHz
        Shell: 5.3 - /bin/zsh
        Node: 10.15.3 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v10.15.3/bin/node
        Yarn: 1.19.0 - /usr/local/bin/yarn
        npm: 6.12.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v10.15.3/bin/npm
        Python: 2.7.16 - /usr/local/bin/python
        Chrome: 78.0.3904.97
        Firefox: 70.0
        Safari: 13.0.3
        gatsby: ^2.17.13 => 2.17.13
        gatsby-image: ^2.2.32 => 2.2.32
        gatsby-plugin-google-analytics: ^2.1.26 => 2.1.26
        gatsby-plugin-manifest: ^2.2.27 => 2.2.27
        gatsby-plugin-netlify: ^2.1.24 => 2.1.24
        gatsby-plugin-react-helmet: ^3.1.14 => 3.1.14
        gatsby-plugin-sharp: ^2.2.38 => 2.2.38
        gatsby-plugin-styled-components: ^3.1.12 => 3.1.12
        gatsby-plugin-typescript: ^2.1.17 => 2.1.17
        gatsby-source-filesystem: ^2.1.36 => 2.1.36
        gatsby-transformer-sharp: ^2.3.4 => 2.3.4


    type: bug status: confirmed 
    opened by antoinerousseau 175
  • [gatsby-source-wordpress] Large WordPress site causing extremely slow build time (stuck at 'source and transform nodes')

    [gatsby-source-wordpress] Large WordPress site causing extremely slow build time (stuck at 'source and transform nodes')


    gatsby develop hangs on source and transform nodes after querying a large WordPress installation (~9000 posts, ~35 pages).

    Is there any guides as to what's too big for Gatsby to handle in this regards?


        OS: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
        CPU: x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz
        Shell: 3.2.57 - /bin/bash
        Node: 8.10.0 - ~/n/bin/node
        Yarn: 1.5.1 - ~/n/bin/yarn
        npm: 5.6.0 - ~/n/bin/npm
        Chrome: 67.0.3396.99
        Safari: 11.1.2
        gatsby: ^1.9.273 => 1.9.273
        gatsby-image: ^1.0.54 => 1.0.54
        gatsby-link: ^1.6.45 => 1.6.45
        gatsby-plugin-google-analytics: ^1.0.27 => 1.0.31
        gatsby-plugin-postcss-sass: ^1.0.22 => 1.0.22
        gatsby-plugin-react-helmet: ^2.0.10 => 2.0.11
        gatsby-plugin-react-next: ^1.0.11 => 1.0.11
        gatsby-plugin-resolve-src: 1.1.3 => 1.1.3
        gatsby-plugin-sharp: ^1.6.48 => 1.6.48
        gatsby-plugin-svgr: ^1.0.1 => 1.0.1
        gatsby-source-filesystem: ^1.5.39 => 1.5.39
        gatsby-source-wordpress: ^2.0.93 => 2.0.93
        gatsby-transformer-sharp: ^1.6.27 => 1.6.27
        gatsby-cli: 1.1.58

    edit: Just want to reiterate—this is not something easily fixable by deleted .cache/, .node_modules, etc. If that resolves your problem, you weren't experiencing this issue.

    opened by dustinhorton 156
  • [bug] ☂️ umbrella issue for schema customization issues

    [bug] ☂️ umbrella issue for schema customization issues

    This is a meta issue for all the issues with 2.2.0, that were introduced by the schema refactoring.


    See the blog post for the details about why we did the refactoring and what's it all about.

    See the release blog post for release notes and final updates.


    Install latest version of Gatsby and try running your site. Hopefully it will all just work. If you want, you could also try the two new APIs (createTypes and createResolvers).

    yarn add gatsby


    [email protected]

    • Published

    [email protected]

    • Moved to explicit directives instead of addResolver

    [email protected]

    • Master back merge, upgrade graphql-compose

    [email protected]

    • See #13028

    [email protected]

    • :champagne:

    [email protected]

    • Fixed a regression when empty strings mixed with dates cause stuff to not be intrepreted as dates

    [email protected]

    • merge latest master
    • docs update

    [email protected]

    • merge latest master
    • better SDL parse error messages

    [email protected]

    • fix regression in connection naming in case types are lowercase named

    [email protected]

    • Fixed custom scalars not having any filters
    • Added errors when trying to override Node interface or generated filter/sort types.

    [email protected]

    • Added a new convenience API modelled after graphql-compose. See using-type-definitions example.
    exports.sourceNodes = ({ actions, schema }) => {
      const { createTypes } = actions
          name: `CommentJson`,
          fields: {
            text: `String!`,
            blog: {
              type: `BlogJson`,
              resolve(parent, args, context) {
                return context.nodeModel.getNodeById({
                  type: `BlogJson`,
            author: {
              type: `AuthorJson`,
              resolve(parent, args, context) {
                return context.nodeModel.getNodeById({
                  type: `AuthorJson`,
          interfaces: [`Node`],

    [email protected]

    • Fixed regression with Node id field not being a String, like in current master.
    • Upgraded to [email protected]
    • FilterInput types are now not prefixed by output type, reducing proliferation of types

    [email protected]

    • Fixed issue with pagination over null query results
    • @dontInfer(noDefaultResolvers: false) actually works
    • in createResolvers resolvers info.originalResolver is available even if there is no resolver on original field

    [email protected]

    • Redone alpha version with proper release version
    • Fix Node types without actual nodes not being added

    [email protected]

    • Initial alpha
    topic: GraphQL 
    opened by freiksenet 131
  • Gatsby logo/branding

    Gatsby logo/branding

    Gatsby is awesome!

    Has been a while that I'm familiar with the project and I think it needs an equivalent awesome logo. Today I've seen this on Hacker News and I think it could be a nice spark for this discussion.

    @KyleAMathews do you have any ideas in mind?

    opened by cusspvz 129
  • Worse performance results with Lighthouse v6 (?)

    Worse performance results with Lighthouse v6 (?)

    Just wondering whether there is some information that could be of use here, since I've found in my sites a significant worsening of lighthouse results when comparing lighthouse v5.6 vs the new 6.0 (

    In a complex site (of mine) it goes (performance-wise) from a ~90 to ~50 In a simple starter (of mine) it lowers from ~98 to ~80

    This doesn't happen in starters such as or

    But it does happen to (from ~98 to ~73) or to (from ~90 to ~75)

    Since I spent some time achieving 98-100 punctuations in my code (which made me very happy), I kind of feel I don't have a lot of room for improvement (probably I do have), so I've thought I might ask here if there's something going on


    type: question or discussion topic: performance 
    opened by kuworking 123
  • gatsby-plugin-react-helmet orders the components too late in <head>

    gatsby-plugin-react-helmet orders the components too late in


    When I use gatsby-plugin-react-helmet I notice that the <Helmet /> components come way too late in the head tag. I have noticed that on occasion for instance Facebook does not always parse the og tags if they come too late in the head.

    Steps to reproduce

    Just use <Helmet />, and notice in the static output files there is a lot of CSS related stuff etc. above the helmet tag in the <head>.

    Expected result

    Helmet tags should be prioritised when doing the <head /> tag.


    Currently there is easy workaround, but I consider that gatsby's default is broken. We should not need workaround for this.


    var React = require("react");
    // Hack, to reorder the helmet components as first in <head> tag
    exports.onPreRenderHTML = ({ getHeadComponents, replaceHeadComponents }) => {
         * @type {any[]} headComponents
        const headComponents = getHeadComponents();
        headComponents.sort((a, b) => {
            if (a.props && a.props["data-react-helmet"]) {
                return 0;
            return 1;
    help wanted type: feature or enhancement 
    opened by Ciantic 122
  • [gatsby-plugin-offline] [gatsby/cache-dir] Fix various offline and caching issues

    [gatsby-plugin-offline] [gatsby/cache-dir] Fix various offline and caching issues

    Changes made:

    • <div> is replaced with <span> in gatsby-plugin-offline's app-shell.js to prevent an edge case in Chrome, where the the outer element's class attribute is unset despite its className being set in the VDOM, if the page was loaded from the offline shell.
    • A call to getResourcesForPathname was fixed - previously this prevented later code from calling since Promise.all(pathnameResources) would never resolve.
    • Styles are now searched as well as scripts when caching resources, and these are all cached regardless of whether they are included in pageResources.
    • Styles are also now searched in get-resources-from-html.js.
    • The offline shell and custom 404 page are now also scanned for resources when considering critical file paths.
      • get-resources-from-html.js is modified so that if a custom 404 page doesn't exist, an empty array will be returned.
    • A glob for Webpack chunks is added to the precache options, as these are sometimes loaded from other chunks and therefore not detected by getResourcesFromHTML, causing errors to occur when trying to navigate to another page when offline (if they haven't all been cached).
    • The navigateFallbackWhitelist regex is modified to prevent loading the offline shell if the URL ends with ?no-cache=1 or &no-cache=1.
    • sw.js is patched to include search queries when matching URLs against navigateFallbackWhitelist. Unfortunately I couldn't find any options to enable this, so patching appears to be the only way until a change is made upstream.
      • An error is thrown asking the user to report an issue if the patch fails - this will cause the build to fail, but will avoid confusion in the long run if the patch stops working.
      • I checked the ignoreUrlParametersMatching options, but it's for ignoring differences, e.g. between /page/ and /page/?utm_source=github, not for disabling caching or fallback.
    • JSON and CSS resources are cached at runtime.
    • page-renderer.js now checks for this.state.pageResources.json, since errors were previously occurring even when this.state.pageResources existed due to the missing JSON data.
    • When a page isn't found, an attempt is made to load it directly, in order to display a proper error message, i.e. 404 or offline error, or simply load it directly if it's available online (e.g. /admin/ for CMS, which is not directly part of Gatsby).
    • A clause has been added to an if statement in production-app.js to prevent the 404 showing until an attempt has been made to load the page directly
      • #7268 had actually broken support for static pages (e.g. Netlify CMS at /admin/) since the service worker would be unable to find the page from Gatsby and show a 404
    • onServiceWorkerInstalled is now delayed by 100ms, since it was being called before the fetch event listeners were added, thus preventing resources from being cached. Unfortunately I couldn't find a programmatic way to do this (other than more patching of sw.js, which is less than ideal).
      • It might be worth increasing this to 500ms, since at 100ms it could still fail for more complex sites (despite working at as low as 20ms in local testing). Thoughts?
    • checkIfDoingInitialRenderForSW is removed from loader.js as it was causing the SW to be removed when navigating to a nonexistent page, even if the website had not been updated, causing it to stop working offline entirely - regardless, it is no longer needed with the other changes made.
    • README for gatsby-plugin-offline is updated to match the latest default options.

    Closes #6212, Closes #7053, Closes #6688, possibly others

    opened by valerie-makes 115
  • Missing resources for /

    Missing resources for /


    Periodically on my production site I'm seeing the following error;

    Error: Missing resources for /
      at render(./.cache/ensure-resources.js:133:17)
      at Sg(./node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:169:129)
      at Hh(./node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:214:16)
      at Ih(./node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:215:274)
      at ji(./node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:230:233)
      at ki(./node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:229:143)
      at Fh(./node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:226:196)
      at bg(./node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:224:28)
      at qi(./node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:243:14)
      at render(./node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:251:109)
      at oi(./node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:254:364)
      at Ai(./node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js:254:350)
      at apply(./.cache/production-app.js:114:7)
      at r(./node_modules/@sentry/browser/dist/index.js:3114:1)

    It seems like sometimes this causes the site to not render at all and just show a blank page.

    Relevant information

    You can see the trace on Sentry here

    Environment (if relevant)

    This is the env on which the site is built;

        OS: macOS High Sierra 10.13.2
        CPU: x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7360U CPU @ 2.30GHz
        Shell: 5.3 - /bin/zsh
        Node: 8.11.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v8.11.1/bin/node
        Yarn: 1.9.4 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v8.11.1/bin/yarn
        npm: 6.4.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v8.11.1/bin/npm
        Chrome: 71.0.3578.98
        Safari: 11.0.2
        gatsby: ^2.0.19 => 2.0.72
        gatsby-image: ^2.0.15 => 2.0.20
        gatsby-plugin-create-client-paths: ^2.0.2 => 2.0.2
        gatsby-plugin-google-gtag: ^1.0.8 => 1.0.8
        gatsby-plugin-manifest: ^2.0.5 => 2.0.10
        gatsby-plugin-offline: ^2.0.11 => 2.0.17
        gatsby-plugin-page-transitions: ^1.0.7 => 1.0.7
        gatsby-plugin-react-helmet: ^3.0.0 => 3.0.2
        gatsby-plugin-sharp: ^2.0.18 => 2.0.18
        gatsby-plugin-stripe-elements: ^1.0.9 => 1.0.9
        gatsby-plugin-twitter: ^2.0.8 => 2.0.8
        gatsby-source-filesystem: ^2.0.4 => 2.0.12
        gatsby-transformer-sharp: ^2.1.12 => 2.1.12
        gatsby-cli: 2.0.0-rc.1
        gatsby-plugin-countly: 0.2.0

    No idea where to start with debugging this so any help is appreciated!

    type: question or discussion status: needs reproduction 
    opened by Jivings 112
  • error UNHANDLED EXCEPTION write EPIPE while running on Netlify

    error UNHANDLED EXCEPTION write EPIPE while running on Netlify

    Preliminary Checks

    • [X] This issue is not a duplicate. Before opening a new issue, please search existing issues:
    • [X] This issue is not a question, feature request, RFC, or anything other than a bug report directly related to Gatsby. Please post those things in GitHub Discussions:


    When trying to run Gatsby latest 4.9.1 I get this error

    4:35:23 PM: success write out requires - 0.005s
    4:36:27 PM: success Building production JavaScript and CSS bundles - 63.377s
    4:37:03 PM: success Building HTML renderer - 36.060s
    4:37:03 PM: success Execute page configs - 0.380s
    4:37:03 PM: success Caching Webpack compilations - 0.001s
    4:37:03 PM: error (node:2227) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 end listeners added to [PassThrough]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
    4:37:03 PM: (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
    4:37:07 PM: success run queries in workers - 3.599s - 37/37 10.28/s
    4:37:09 PM: success Running gatsby-plugin-sharp.IMAGE_PROCESSING jobs - 120.528s - 5/5 0.04/s
    4:37:09 PM: error UNHANDLED EXCEPTION write EPIPE
    4:37:09 PM: 
    4:37:09 PM: 
    4:37:09 PM:   Error: write EPIPE
    4:37:09 PM:   
    4:37:09 PM:   - child_process:864
    4:37:09 PM:     node:internal/child_process:864:20
    4:37:09 PM:   
    4:37:09 PM:   - child_process:737
    4:37:09 PM:     node:internal/child_process:737:19
    4:37:09 PM:   
    4:37:09 PM:   - index.js:291 WorkerPool.sendMessage
    4:37:09 PM:     [repo]/[gatsby-worker]/dist/index.js:291:19
    4:37:09 PM:   
    4:37:09 PM:   - worker-messaging.ts:22 
    4:37:09 PM:     [repo]/[gatsby]/src/utils/jobs/worker-messaging.ts:22:22
    4:37:09 PM:   
    4:37:09 PM: 
    4:37:09 PM: not finished Merge worker state - 0.058s
    4:37:09 PM: error Command failed with exit code 1.
    4:37:09 PM: info Visit for documentation about this command.
    4:37:09 PM: ​
    4:37:09 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    4:37:09 PM:   "build.command" failed                                        
    4:37:09 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    4:37:09 PM: ​
    4:37:09 PM:   Error message
    4:37:09 PM:   Command failed with exit code 1: yarn postinstall && yarn build:incremental
    4:37:09 PM: ​
    4:37:09 PM:   Error location
    4:37:09 PM:   In build.command from netlify.toml:
    4:37:09 PM:   yarn postinstall && yarn build:incremental
    4:37:09 PM:

    I cleared my Netlify cache before running this and this seems like a new issue as per

    Reproduction Link


    Steps to Reproduce

    Following steps outlined here:

    Expected Result

    For the site to build as it normally did before I updated packages.

    Actual Result

    Consistently fails


        OS: macOS 12.0.1
        CPU: (12) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
        Shell: 5.8 - /bin/zsh
        Node: 17.4.0 - /var/folders/tb/qb7x5sw53vngt06y9g92csn80000gp/T/yarn--1646432031346-0.9788514151471666/node
        Yarn: 1.22.17 - /var/folders/tb/qb7x5sw53vngt06y9g92csn80000gp/T/yarn--1646432031346-0.9788514151471666/yarn
        npm: 8.3.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v17.4.0/bin/npm
        Python: 2.7.18 - /usr/bin/python
        Chrome: 99.0.4844.51
        Safari: 15.1

    Config Flags



    type: bug status: confirmed topic: media 
    opened by wahidshafique 103
  • Errors when processing large(ish) numbers of images with gatsby-plugin-sharp

    Errors when processing large(ish) numbers of images with gatsby-plugin-sharp


    I'm processing around 1500 images with gatsby-plugin-sharp/gatsby-transformer-sharp and GraphQL, to display with gatsby-image as per this page in the docs.

    For smaller numbers of images I have had no issues, but now that I'm processing 1500 images the build randomly fails with the following error:

    (sharp:104): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 09:35:11.293: gtype.c:4265: type id '0' is invalid
    (sharp:104): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 09:35:11.293: can't peek value table for type '<invalid>' which is not currently referenced
    (sharp:104): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 09:35:11.293: gvalue.c:188: cannot initialize GValue with type '(null)', this type has no GTypeValueTable implementation
    (sharp:104): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 09:35:11.293: g_value_transform: assertion 'G_IS_VALUE (src_value)' failed
    Received 'segmentation fault' signal

    This happens during the "Generating image thumbnails" step in the build process and it occurs apparently randomly (sometimes 10% of the way through the images, sometimes at 80%, sometimes not at all). Therefore I do not believe it is caused by a "faulty image".

    type: bug type: upstream 
    opened by jp887 102
  • Gatsby t-shirt design contest

    Gatsby t-shirt design contest

    Who wants to design a Gatsby t-shirt!?!

    We have $1240 available on OpenCollective that seems like it needs turned into t-shirts :-)

    But to do that we need a design. So please submit some designs! If you submit the design that gets picked, I'll send you 3 t-shirts.

    I'm also going to send t-shirts to all the 1.0 contributors.

    What's the best t-shirt printing place these days? Ideally they'd be a print on-demand place so people could buy Gatsby shirts for themselves.

    type: question or discussion stale? 
    opened by KyleAMathews 101
  • docs(gatsby-script): Add wrapRootElement limitation to off-main-thread

    docs(gatsby-script): Add wrapRootElement limitation to off-main-thread


    Add existing limitation to docs.


    Related Issues


    type: documentation 
    opened by tyhopp 0
  • chore(deps): Bump yaml-loader

    chore(deps): Bump yaml-loader


    Bump yaml-loader so it uses loader-utils 2 or greater changed in



    Related Issues


    opened by tyhopp 0
  • Fix Bug that breaks use of placeholder: 'BLURRED' in gatsby-source-shopify

    Fix Bug that breaks use of placeholder: 'BLURRED' in gatsby-source-shopify


    This PR fixes a bug with gatsby-source-shopify. Specifically, passing the placeholder: 'BLURRED' option to a ShopifyMediaImage GraphQL query doesn't work - gatsby source shopify returns an error, "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'contentDigest')".

    The change is simple, switch out the 'contentDigest' parameter for an 'imageId' parameter. Content digest was 'image.internal.contentDigest' - imageId is ''. This parameter is a unique string used as a cacheKey for the image.


    The gatsby source shopify docs don't go into this. It's a tiny change.

    Related Issues

    Fixes #35930

    status: triage needed 
    opened by beadlespouse 0
  • Image processing breaks (createPages...) 'gatsby-plugin-sharp'

    Image processing breaks (createPages...) 'gatsby-plugin-sharp'

    Preliminary Checks

    • [X] This issue is not a duplicate. Before opening a new issue, please search existing issues:
    • [X] This issue is not a question, feature request, RFC, or anything other than a bug report directly related to Gatsby. Please post those things in GitHub Discussions:


    Whenever building my website Gatsby crashes on the image processing part.

    Start processing D:\repos\website\public\static\c4dab60483da3cbd37e20af2780ad243\b105a\IMG_0506-1200x800.webp
    warn Your GraphQL query in createPages took 21.278 seconds which is an unexpectedly long time. See for tips on how to improve this.
    ⠴ createPages
    [======================      ]   21.144 s 98/121 81% Running gatsby-plugin-sharp.IMAGE_PROCESSING jobs
    PS D:\repos\twill-net\website> ^F

    Tried following:

    • Clearing Gatsby cache
    • Using different node version
    • Updating to latest Gatsby version
    • Lowering parallel CPU count
    • Tried logging inside the gatsby-plugin library to see or this is related to specific images

    It started occuring at some point. Can't really share more as it is a large website where images are added on a regular frequency. Problem seems to be only occuring on Windows.

    When running gatsby build again, it can go an image further. It looks to me that it puts a limit on how long it can process images or page queries?

    It just stops processing and doesn't report an error, so might be some timeout or something? Any setting I can override?


    Reproduction Link


    Steps to Reproduce


    Expected Result

    Processing is done just fine

    Actual Result

    Image processing exits without warning


        OS: Windows 10 10.0.22621
        CPU: (20) x64 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700K
        Node: 19.2.0 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.EXE
        Yarn: 1.22.19 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\yarn.CMD
        npm: 8.19.3 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.CMD
        Python: 3.10.2
        Edge: Spartan (44.22621.963.0), Chromium (108.0.1462.54)
        gatsby-cli: 5.3.1

    Config Flags

    SSR / DSG: Disabled

    type: bug status: needs reproduction 
    opened by AidanRRR 1
  • chore(deps): update babel monorepo

    chore(deps): update babel monorepo

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | @babel/cli (source) | ^7.15.4 -> ^7.20.7 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/code-frame (source) | ^7.14.0 -> ^7.18.6 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/core (source) | ^7.15.5 -> ^7.20.7 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/eslint-parser (source) | ^7.15.4 -> ^7.19.1 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/generator (source) | ^7.16.8 -> ^7.20.7 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/helper-plugin-test-runner (source) | 7.14.5 -> 7.18.6 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/helper-plugin-utils (source) | ^7.14.5 -> ^7.20.2 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/node (source) | ^7.15.4 -> ^7.20.7 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/parser (source) | ^7.15.5 -> ^7.20.7 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties (source) | ^7.14.0 -> ^7.18.6 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator (source) | ^7.14.5 -> ^7.18.6 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/plugin-proposal-numeric-separator (source) | ^7.14.5 -> ^7.18.6 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining (source) | ^7.14.5 -> ^7.20.7 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods (source) | ^7.14.0 -> ^7.18.6 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/plugin-syntax-jsx (source) | ^7.14.0 -> ^7.18.6 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/plugin-syntax-typescript (source) | ^7.14.0 -> ^7.20.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/plugin-transform-classes (source) | ^7.15.4 -> ^7.20.7 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs (source) | ^7.15.4 -> ^7.20.11 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/plugin-transform-runtime (source) | ^7.15.0 -> ^7.19.6 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/plugin-transform-spread (source) | ^7.14.6 -> ^7.20.7 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/plugin-transform-typescript (source) | ^7.15.4 -> ^7.20.7 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/preset-env (source) | ^7.15.4 -> ^7.20.2 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/preset-flow (source) | ^7.14.0 -> ^7.18.6 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/preset-react (source) | ^7.14.0 -> ^7.18.6 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/preset-typescript (source) | ^7.15.0 -> ^7.18.6 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/register (source) | ^7.15.3 -> ^7.18.9 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/runtime (source) | ^7.15.4 -> ^7.20.7 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/template (source) | ^7.16.7 -> ^7.20.7 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/traverse (source) | ^7.15.4 -> ^7.20.10 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | @babel/types (source) | ^7.15.4 -> ^7.20.7 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes

    babel/babel (@​babel/cli)


    Compare Source

    :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance
    • babel-helper-member-expression-to-functions, babel-helper-replace-supers, babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties, babel-plugin-transform-classes
    • babel-helpers, babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties, babel-plugin-transform-classes, babel-plugin-transform-object-super
    :bug: Bug Fix
    • babel-parser, babel-plugin-transform-typescript
    • babel-traverse
    • babel-plugin-transform-typescript, babel-traverse
    • babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping
    • babel-plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions, babel-preset-env
    • babel-generator, babel-plugin-proposal-optional-chaining
    • babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx, babel-types
    • babel-core, babel-helpers, babel-plugin-transform-computed-properties, babel-runtime-corejs2, babel-runtime-corejs3, babel-runtime
    • babel-helper-member-expression-to-functions, babel-helper-replace-supers, babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties, babel-plugin-transform-classes
    • babel-generator
    :nail_care: Polish
    :house: Internal
    • babel-helper-define-map, babel-plugin-transform-property-mutators
    • babel-core, babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties, babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping, babel-plugin-transform-classes, babel-plugin-transform-destructuring, babel-plugin-transform-parameters, babel-plugin-transform-regenerator, babel-plugin-transform-runtime, babel-preset-env, babel-traverse
    :running_woman: Performance


    Compare Source

    :bug: Bug Fix
    :nail_care: Polish
    :house: Internal
    • babel-helper-compilation-targets, babel-helper-transform-fixture-test-runner, babel-parser, babel-preset-env, babel-traverse
    :microscope: Output optimization


    Compare Source

    :rocket: New Feature
    • babel-helper-string-parser, babel-types
    :bug: Bug Fix
    • babel-parser
    • babel-helper-string-parser, babel-parser
    • babel-plugin-transform-typescript
    • babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx
    • babel-generator
    • babel-helper-wrap-function, babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator, babel-traverse
    :house: Internal
    :microscope: Output optimization
    • babel-plugin-proposal-export-default-from


    Compare Source

    :bug: Bug Fix
    • babel-plugin-transform-modules-systemjs, babel-types
    • babel-generator
    :nail_care: Polish
    :house: Internal
    • babel-core, babel-helper-remap-async-to-generator, babel-helpers, babel-parser, babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping, babel-preset-env
    • babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin, babel-helper-member-expression-to-functions, babel-helper-remap-async-to-generator, babel-helper-replace-supers, babel-helper-wrap-function, babel-helpers, babel-plugin-bugfix-v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining, babel-plugin-proposal-decorators, babel-plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread, babel-plugin-proposal-optional-chaining, babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping, babel-plugin-transform-classes, babel-traverse, babel-types
    :running_woman: Performance


    Compare Source

    :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance
    :bug: Bug Fix
    • babel-helper-remap-async-to-generator, babel-plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions
    • babel-plugin-transform-parameters
    • babel-core
    • babel-core, babel-helper-check-duplicate-nodes, babel-plugin-bugfix-safari-id-destructuring-collision-in-function-expression, babel-plugin-bugfix-v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining, babel-plugin-proposal-destructuring-private, babel-plugin-proposal-optional-chaining, babel-plugin-transform-runtime
    :house: Internal
    • babel-standalone
    • Other
    • babel-generator, babel-types
    • babel-code-frame, babel-core, babel-generator, babel-helper-annotate-as-pure, babel-helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor, babel-helper-builder-react-jsx, babel-helper-check-duplicate-nodes, babel-helper-compilation-targets, babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin, babel-helper-create-regexp-features-plugin, babel-helper-define-map, babel-helper-explode-assignable-expression, babel-helper-fixtures, babel-helper-function-name, babel-helper-hoist-variables, babel-helper-member-expression-to-functions, babel-helper-module-imports, babel-helper-module-transforms, babel-helper-optimise-call-expression, babel-helper-plugin-test-runner, babel-helper-plugin-utils, babel-helper-remap-async-to-generator, babel-helper-replace-supers, babel-helper-simple-access, babel-helper-split-export-declaration, babel-helper-transform-fixture-test-runner, babel-helper-validator-option, babel-helper-wrap-function, babel-helpers, babel-highlight, babel-plugin-bugfix-v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining, babel-plugin-external-helpers, babel-plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions, babel-plugin-proposal-class-static-block, babel-plugin-proposal-decorators, babel-plugin-proposal-destructuring-private, babel-plugin-proposal-function-bind, babel-plugin-proposal-function-sent, babel-plugin-proposal-json-strings, babel-plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread, babel-plugin-proposal-optional-chaining, babel-plugin-proposal-partial-application, babel-plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator, babel-plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object, babel-plugin-proposal-record-and-tuple, babel-plugin-syntax-typescript, babel-plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions, babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping, babel-plugin-transform-classes, babel-plugin-transform-computed-properties, babel-plugin-transform-destructuring, babel-plugin-transform-duplicate-keys, babel-plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator, babel-plugin-transform-flow-comments, babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types, babel-plugin-transform-for-of, babel-plugin-transform-function-name, babel-plugin-transform-modules-amd, babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs, babel-plugin-transform-modules-systemjs, babel-plugin-transform-modules-umd, babel-plugin-transform-object-super, babel-plugin-transform-parameters, babel-plugin-transform-property-mutators, babel-plugin-transform-proto-to-assign, babel-plugin-transform-react-constant-elements, babel-plugin-transform-react-display-name, babel-plugin-transform-react-inline-elements, babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-compat, babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-source, babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx, babel-plugin-transform-runtime, babel-plugin-transform-typescript, babel-plugin-transform-unicode-escapes, babel-preset-env, babel-preset-typescript, babel-standalone, babel-template, babel-traverse, babel-types
    • babel-core, babel-helper-transform-fixture-test-runner, babel-plugin-transform-destructuring
    babel/babel (@​babel/parser)


    Compare Source

    v7.20.7 (2022-12-22)

    Thanks @​wsypower for your first PR!

    :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance
    • babel-helper-member-expression-to-functions, babel-helper-replace-supers, babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties, babel-plugin-transform-classes
    • babel-helpers, babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties, babel-plugin-transform-classes, babel-plugin-transform-object-super
    :bug: Bug Fix
    • babel-parser, babel-plugin-transform-typescript
    • babel-traverse
    • babel-plugin-transform-typescript, babel-traverse
    • babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping
    • babel-plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions, babel-preset-env
    • babel-generator, babel-plugin-proposal-optional-chaining
    • babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx, babel-types
    • babel-core, babel-helpers, babel-plugin-transform-computed-properties, babel-runtime-corejs2, babel-runtime-corejs3, babel-runtime
    • babel-helper-member-expression-to-functions, babel-helper-replace-supers, babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties, babel-plugin-transform-classes
    • babel-generator
    :nail_care: Polish
    :house: Internal
    • babel-helper-define-map, babel-plugin-transform-property-mutators
    • babel-core, babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties, babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping, babel-plugin-transform-classes, babel-plugin-transform-destructuring, babel-plugin-transform-parameters, babel-plugin-transform-regenerator, babel-plugin-transform-runtime, babel-preset-env, babel-traverse
    :running_woman: Performance
    Committers: 6


    Compare Source

    v7.20.5 (2022-11-28)

    Thanks @​davydof and @​SuperSodaSea for your first PRs!

    :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance
    • babel-helpers, babel-plugin-transform-destructuring, babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs, babel-preset-env, babel-runtime-corejs2, babel-runtime-corejs3, babel-runtime, babel-traverse
    • babel-cli, babel-helpers, babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties, babel-plugin-proposal-class-static-block, babel-plugin-transform-classes, babel-plugin-transform-runtime, babel-preset-env
    • babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin, babel-helpers, babel-plugin-proposal-decorators, babel-plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object, babel-preset-env, babel-runtime-corejs2, babel-runtime-corejs3, babel-runtime
    :bug: Bug Fix
    • babel-parser
    • babel-helper-wrap-function, babel-preset-env, babel-traverse
    • babel-plugin-transform-arrow-functions, babel-plugin-transform-parameters, babel-traverse
    • babel-helpers, babel-node, babel-plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions, babel-plugin-transform-regenerator, babel-preset-env, babel-runtime-corejs2, babel-runtime-corejs3, babel-runtime
    • babel-helper-create-regexp-features-plugin
    • babel-parser, babel-types
    • babel-generator
    • babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping, babel-traverse
    :nail_care: Polish
    :house: Internal
    Committers: 6


    Compare Source


    Compare Source

    v7.20.2 (2022-11-04)

    :bug: Bug Fix
    • babel-core, babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin, babel-helper-module-transforms, babel-helper-plugin-utils, babel-helper-simple-access, babel-node, babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping, babel-plugin-transform-classes, babel-plugin-transform-react-constant-elements, babel-preset-env, babel-standalone, babel-types
    • babel-plugin-transform-typescript
    • babel-parser
    • babel-generator
    • babel-plugin-proposal-decorators, babel-plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread, babel-plugin-transform-jscript
    • babel-plugin-transform-destructuring
    Committers: 3


    Compare Source

    v7.20.1 (2022-11-01)

    Thanks @​ptomato for your first pull request!

    :bug: Bug Fix
    • babel-plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions


    📅 Schedule: Branch creation - "before 7am on the first day of the month" in timezone GMT, Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    👻 Immortal: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    status: triage needed topic: automation 
    opened by renovate[bot] 0
  • chore(deps): update [dev] minor and patch dependencies for gatsby-plugin-gatsby-cloud

    chore(deps): update [dev] minor and patch dependencies for gatsby-plugin-gatsby-cloud

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | msw (source) | ^0.38.2 -> ^0.49.2 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | node-fetch | ^2.6.6 -> ^2.6.7 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    v0.49.2 (2022-12-13)

    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    v0.49.1 (2022-11-28)

    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    v0.49.0 (2022-11-19)



    Compare Source

    v0.48.3 (2022-11-15)

    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    v0.48.2 (2022-11-13)

    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    v0.48.1 (2022-11-10)

    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    v0.48.0 (2022-11-08)



    Compare Source

    v0.47.4 (2022-10-04)
    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    v0.47.3 (2022-09-15)
    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    v0.47.2 (2022-09-13)

    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    v0.47.1 (2022-09-10)

    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    v0.47.0 (2022-09-04)



    Compare Source

    v0.46.1 (2022-09-01)

    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    v0.46.0 (2022-08-31)


    Compare Source

    v0.45.0 (2022-08-22)

    • make GraphQL a peer dependency, support GraphQL v15.0 (#​1356) (ca0e2e0)


    Compare Source

    v0.44.2 (2022-07-19)

    Bug Fixes
    • transfer mocked response as ArrayBuffer to the worker (#​1337) (95be5f8)


    Compare Source

    v0.44.1 (2022-07-14)

    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    v0.44.0 (2022-07-13)

    Breaking changes
    • req.destination default value is now "" (empty string), previously "document".
    • req.redirect default value is now ""follow", previously "manual".
    • The library no longer exports the parseIsomorphicRequest() function (#​1316). Please use MockedRequest class instead.
    • req.body is deprecated. Please use explicit request body reading methods: req.text(), req.json(), req.arrayBuffer() (other methods, like req.formData() are currently not supported).'/user', async (req, res, ctx) => {
      const newUser = await req.json()

    req.body is still present for compatibility reasons but will be removed in the next releases.


    Compare Source

    v0.43.1 (2022-07-07)

    Bug Fixes
    • support multiple response cookies using "ctx.cookie()" (#​1311) (66c3ad8)


    Compare Source

    v0.43.0 (2022-07-04)

    • send mocked response body as ReadableStream to the worker (#​1288) (78c7d7e)


    Compare Source

    v0.42.3 (2022-06-22)
    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    v0.42.2 (2022-06-22)

    Bug Fixes
    • setupServer: reference interceptors to support fast refresh (#​1299) (72f0b25)


    Compare Source

    v0.42.1 (2022-06-07)

    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    v0.42.0 (2022-05-30)

    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    v0.41.1 (2022-05-27)

    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    v0.41.0 (2022-05-22)



    Compare Source

    v0.40.2 (2022-05-20)

    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    v0.40.1 (2022-05-19)

    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    v0.40.0 (2022-05-17)

    Breaking changes
    • Returning undefined, or early returns, from response resolvers, now does not perform request as-is, and is instead treated as a handler that didn't do anything. Please return req.passthrough() if you wish to bypass a request.
    rest.get('/resource', (req, res, ctx) => {
    // I want to perform this intercepted request as-is.
    -  return
    +  return req.passthrough()
    Bug Fixes
    • setupWorker: warn on multiple "worker.start" and "worker.stop" calls (#​1238) (cfe0709)
    • remove console.log from "setRequestCookies" (6f7ed98)
    • set "credentials" to "same-origin" for "ClientRequest" (#​1159) (c3cd80a)


    Compare Source

    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    Bug Fixes


    Compare Source

    Breaking changes
    Bug Fixes
    • setupWorker: resolve the "start" promise after the worker has activated (#​1146) (f6e709c)


    📅 Schedule: Branch creation - "before 7am on the first day of the month" in timezone GMT, Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Enabled.

    Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    👻 Immortal: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    status: triage needed topic: automation 
    opened by renovate[bot] 0
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WebSockets 19.2k Jan 4, 2023
Gatsby-blog-cosmicjs - 🚀⚡️ Blazing fast blog built with Gatsby and the Cosmic Headless CMS 🔥

Gatsby + Cosmic This repo contains an example blog website that is built with Gatsby, and Cosmic. See live demo hosted on Netlify Uses the Cosmic Gats

Priya Chakraborty 0 Jan 29, 2022
⚡ A blazing fast, lightweight, and open source comment system for your static website, blogs powered by Supabase

SupaComments ⚡ A blazing fast, lightweight, and open source comment system for your static website, blogs ?? Demo You can visit the Below demo blog po

MC Naveen 112 Dec 27, 2022
An open-source, blazing fast code editor for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Thermite An open-source, blazing fast code editor for Windows, Mac, and Linux. About Thermite is a Blazing Fast, Open-Source, Cross-Platform Code Edit

Keston 4 Oct 25, 2022
🔥 Blazing Fast API which scrapes made using Fastify and Cheerio.

mydramalist API ?? Blazing Fast API which scrapes made using Fastify and Cheerio. Setup pnpm install node index.js available at http:/

Paranjay Singh 6 Dec 4, 2022
Blazing fast and lightweight state management framework 👓

StateX is a blazing fast and lightweight framework for managing state in a Javascript app. Features ?? Fast − Our APIs just run lightning fast, no mor

Truelines 7 Oct 8, 2022
⚡️A minimalistic and sweet router for blazing fast bun

Melonpan is a simple and minimalistic web-router designed to work with Bun, keeping performance in mind. ?? Why Melonpan? no/minimal learning curve De

Hemanth Krishna 66 Jan 6, 2023
Blazing fast Apple TV application development using pure JavaScript

atvjs Blazing fast Apple TV application development using pure JavaScript. Philosophy What's included Getting Started Basic Examples Creating Pages Ad

Emad Alam 292 Dec 14, 2022
📦🚀 Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler

Features ?? Blazing fast bundle times - multicore compilation, and a filesystem cache for fast rebuilds even after a restart. ?? Out of the box suppor

Parcel 41.8k Jan 4, 2023
A blazing fast js bundler/loader with a comprehensive API :fire:

A bundler that does it right FuseBox on slack FUSEBOX v4 is out! Install: npm install fuse-box --save-dev import { fusebox } from 'fuse-box'; fusebox

null 4k Dec 30, 2022