In this website you will add favorites books and also watch the lists of books. Built with JavaScript ES6 Modules


Awesome Books

In this website you will add books and also watch the lists of books.

Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Screen Shots

Desktop Screen

Desktop Screen

Desktop Screen

Desktop Screen

Tablet Screen

Tablet Screen

Tablet Screen

Tablet Screen

Mobile Screen

Mobile Screen

Mobile Screen

Mobile Screen

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👤 Aamir Khan

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This project is MIT licensed.

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In this project, you will restructure your Awesome books app code. The goal is to make it more organized by using modules and also practice the ES6 syntax.

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"Awesome books" is a simple website that displays a list of books and allows you to add and remove books from that list. By building this application with JavaScript, the website is more interactive!

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This project is based on the Awesome Books app repo, refactored with ES6 and organized with modules. The purpose of this project is to learn functionality organization using JavaScript modules.

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Restructure my Awesome books app code. The goal is to make it more organized by using modules and also practice the ES6 syntax.

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this project's main aim is to restructure Awesome books app code to make it more organized by using modules and also practicing the ES6 syntax.

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Sep 6, 2022
  • Morning Session: Peer to Peer Coding Review.

    Morning Session: Peer to Peer Coding Review.

    Morning Session: Peer to Peer Coding Review.

    Good job working on this project so far. 💪 👏 👏 .

    • The project looks promising.
    • Good job on the design. This makes the project truly yours.
    • Good use of modules(You created many module files).

    Optional changes.

    Kindly consider making the below suggestions.

    • The current font makes your design look scattered, would you consider using a different font?
    • Adding a Live demo to your README. md file makes your work readily presentable, how about you add this?
    • How about making some improvements in the DRY approach? You can avoid the repetition of code in addbooks for input validation (title and author are empty).
    • We also recommend the use of (or any luxon equivalent) in the generation of unique ids instead of Math.random(). This will reduce the chances of any id collisions in your project making it more robust.
    opened by Recillah-Khamala 1
  • Morning peer-review

    Morning peer-review

    • Good job implementing all the requirements.
    • Good uses of modules and ES6 syntax.
    • It would be nice if the user is directed to the list of books when one book is added.
    • Nice job showing a message when user adds a book and when the list is empty.
    opened by Loltolo-Lesapiti 0
Aamir khan
MERN Stack Developer | Full Stack Developer | React Native Developer | Looking for my next job.
Aamir khan
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