Lecture by lecture commits of the https://www.udemy.com/build-blockchain-full-stack/ course


Commit-by-commit breakdown of "Build a Blockchain & Cryptocurrency | Full-Stack Edition"

This is a commit-by-commit breakdown of "Build a Blockchain & Cryptocurrency | Full-Stack Edition". This will help anyone stuck on a particular lecture. Compare your code to the relevant commit here.



Section 2: Blocks | The Blockchain Backend

Section 3: The Chain | the Blockchain Backend

Section 4: Proof of Work | the Blockchain Backend

Section 5: API and Network | the Blockchain Backend

Section 6: Wallets, Keys, and Transactions | the Blockchain Backend

Section 7: Transaction Pool | The Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Backend

Section 8: Mine Transactions | The Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Backend

Section 10: The Frontend Blockchain

Section 11: The Frontend Cryptocurrency

Section 12: Deploying to Production and Full-Stack Improvements

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