An application that saves the favorite books it's responsive and saves the information



My First Capstone Project

This project is made by me and Thigao Ponce we are creating website have a feuture that you can add your favourite books to a list

This is an image for it

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Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Markdown
  • JavaScript


  • text-editor
  • git
  • github

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To Create A Portfolio from this Repository feel free to contact me.

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.

  • you can clone this repo by typing git clone [email protected]:omar25ahmed/Omar-Ragheb-First-Capstone.
  • type cd Portfolio-setup-and-mobile-version-skeleton to access the project on terminal.


👤 Omar Ragheb

👤 Thiago Ponce

🤝 Contributing

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Feel free to check the issues page.

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  • Microverse Team

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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    Learning Objectives:

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    • Adding JavaScript classes instead of the prototype of ES5 way
    • Styling the CSS file
    • Putting the Local Storage in classes too.
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  • Awesome Books day 1

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    Lesson Objectives

    • Structuring HTML Form
    • Using JavaScript objects
    • Manipulating Dom
    • Adding Books section completely dynamic
    • saving data on the local storage
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  • peer code review

    peer code review

    Your project look great, you guys follow the template design very well also. The only suggesting I have is that you guys should should looked up a way to only use 1 class in your JS since the linter only allows 1 class per I recommend using a property inside of the class instead of a second

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Omar Ragheb
Aspiring Full-Stack web developer, With a love for React and Redux, Always open to new opportunities.
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