Additional themes for Lovelace Mushroom Cards 🍄


🍄 Mushroom Themes


Mushroom themes allow you to customize your Mushroom dashboard using Home Assistant themes.

⚠️ It's only a theme! You need to install Mushroom before to create the card on your dashboard!



Just select your theme in your Home Assistant profile settings.

2 themes are available :

  • Mushroom (default)
  • Mushroom square

Build your own

You can build your own theme by using the mushroom variables.

    # HA variables
    ha-card-box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.16)
    ha-card-border-radius: 12px
    # Mushroom layout
    mush-spacing: 12px
    # Title
    mush-title-padding: 24px 12px 16px
    mush-title-spacing: 12px
    mush-title-font-size: 24px
    mush-title-font-weight: normal
    mush-title-line-height: 1.2
    mush-subtitle-font-size: 16px
    mush-subtitle-font-weight: normal
    mush-subtitle-line-height: 1.2
    # Card
    mush-icon-border-radius: 50%
    mush-control-border-radius: 12px
    # Chips
    mush-chip-spacing: 8px
    mush-chip-padding: 0 12px
    mush-chip-height: 36px
    mush-chip-border-radius: 18px
    # Colors
    mush-rgb-red: 244, 67, 54
    mush-rgb-pink: 233, 30, 99
    mush-rgb-purple: 156, 39, 176
    mush-rgb-deep-purple: 103, 58, 183
    mush-rgb-indigo: 63, 81, 181
    mush-rgb-blue: 33, 150, 243
    mush-rgb-light-blue: 3, 169, 244
    mush-rgb-cyan: 0, 188, 212
    mush-rgb-teal: 0, 150, 136
    mush-rgb-green: 76, 175, 80
    mush-rgb-light-green: 139, 195, 74
    mush-rgb-lime: 205, 220, 57
    mush-rgb-yellow: 255, 235, 59
    mush-rgb-amber: 255, 193, 7
    mush-rgb-orange: 255, 152, 0
    mush-rgb-deep-orange: 255, 87, 34
    mush-rgb-brown: 121, 85, 72
    mush-rgb-grey: 158, 158, 158
    mush-rgb-blue-grey: 96, 125, 139
    mush-rgb-black: 0, 0, 0
    mush-rgb-white: 255, 255, 255
    mush-rgb-info: var(--rgb-blue)
    mush-rgb-success: var(--rgb-green)
    mush-rgb-warning: var(--rgb-orange)
    mush-rgb-danger: var(--rgb-red)

    mush-rgb-state-cover: var(--rgb-blue)
    mush-rgb-state-fan: var(--rgb-green)
    mush-rgb-state-light: var(--rgb-orange)
    mush-rgb-state-entity: var(--rgb-blue)
    mush-rgb-state-switch: var(--rgb-blue)

    mush-rgb-state-alarm-disarmed: var(--rgb-info)
    mush-rgb-state-alarm-armed: var(--rgb-success)
    mush-rgb-state-alarm-triggered: var(--rgb-danger)

    mush-rgb-state-person-home: var(--rgb-success)
    mush-rgb-state-person-not-home: var(--rgb-danger)
    mush-rgb-state-person-zone: var(--rgb-info)
    mush-rgb-state-person-unknown: var(--rgb-grey)
    # You must keep this to support light/dark theme
        light: {}
        dark: {}


Add the following code to your configuration.yaml file (restart required).

  ... # your configuration.
  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes
  ... # your configuration.


Mushroom Themes is available in HACS (Home Assistant Community Store).

  1. Open HACS
  2. Go to "Frontend" section
  3. Click button with "+" icon
  4. Search for "Mushroom Themes"


Clone this repository in your existing (or create it) themes/ folder.

cd themes/
git clone
  • Fan and Light Card Colors not working

    Fan and Light Card Colors not working

    When trying to use the mush-rgb-state-light & mush-rgb-state-fan variable, the changes are not applied. Only changing colors and other options like font size and padding are working.

    For example, I would like to change the color of the fans to be light blue from green, and lights to be amber.

    This does not work:

    mush-rgb-state-light: var(--rgb-amber)
    mush-rgb-state-fan: var(--rgb-light-blue)

    This works, but also changes anything else that is green.

    mush-rgb-green: 3, 169, 244
    opened by jaredguiles 5
  • [Bug]: 0.0.5 dont apply on hass 2022.10.5

    [Bug]: 0.0.5 dont apply on hass 2022.10.5

    I don't have much to say, the borders are not being applied and it seems to me that the whole theme is not working. I'm installing it for the first time today so I don't know if any other issues are happening, but version 0.0.2 seems to be working fine.


    Brower: Chrome
    Mushroom: 2.2.0
    Mushroom Themes: 0.0.5
    Home Assistant 2022.10.5
    Supervisor 2022.10.0
    Operating System 9.3
    Frontend: 20221010.0 - latest
    opened by Reubertt 3
  • Problem with Lovelace category during HACS install

    Problem with Lovelace category during HACS install

    Just installed the theme using hacs. The states that I should choose Lovelace as the category for the custom repo. The installation failed because of a not compatible folder layout. Instead of Lovelace select Theme and everything will work fine.

    opened by patrickse 3
  • Ability to keep changes after update

    Ability to keep changes after update

    Loving the mushroom Themes

    I use 2 backgrounds for light and dark mode, when updating the config for these are wiped. Would it be possible to make a custom section where these are changed, and will be called even when updated.

    Keep up the great work!

    opened by Glennesink 2
  • Sudden appearance of chip border after update 2.2.0

    Sudden appearance of chip border after update 2.2.0

    After updating to Mushroom v2.2.0 chips shows with a border. Used to be without. How can this be solved? Tried to play around with styles but no change.


    This used to work

    card_mod: style: | ha-card { --chip-box-shadow: none; --chip-background: none; --chip-spacing: 0; }

    opened by stefsoma 2
  • 0.0.6 requires pre release version of home assistant

    0.0.6 requires pre release version of home assistant

    If i try to install mushroom themes and choose the latest version it requires minimum version of home assistant 2022.11.0b0 which is a pre release version. This seems like it might have been an error?

    opened by siparker 2
  • Recent change with chip card?

    Recent change with chip card?

    I've had a custom theme based on the example here with a slight size increase for the chip card however a recent release seems to have changed the config of the card? my theme previously increased the chip card by a few pixels however now it's very large as can be seen from the screenshot below: image here is my theme:

      # HA variables
      ha-card-box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.16)
      ha-card-border-radius: 12px
      # Mushroom layout
      mush-spacing: 12px
      # Title
      mush-title-padding: 24px 12px 16px
      mush-title-spacing: 12px
      mush-title-font-size: 28px
      mush-title-font-weight: normal
      mush-title-line-height: 1.2
      mush-subtitle-font-size: 16px
      mush-subtitle-font-weight: normal
      mush-subtitle-line-height: 1.2
      # Card
      mush-icon-border-radius: 50%
      mush-control-border-radius: 12px
      mush-card-primary-font-size: 14px
      mush-card-secondary-font-size: 12px
      mush-card-primary-font-weight: bold
      mush-card-secondary-font-weight: bolder
      #card-background-color: rgba(2, 58, 162, 0.2)
      # Chips
      mush-chip-spacing: 8px
      mush-chip-padding: 0 12px
      mush-chip-height: 38px
      mush-chip-border-radius: 18px
      mush-chip-font-size: 1em # relative to chip height
      mush-chip-font-weight: bold
      mush-chip-icon-size: 1.5em # relative to chip height
      # Slider
      mush-slider-threshold: 10
      # Colors
      mush-rgb-red: 244, 67, 54
      mush-rgb-pink: 233, 30, 99
      mush-rgb-purple: 156, 39, 176
      mush-rgb-deep-purple: 103, 58, 183
      mush-rgb-indigo: 63, 81, 181
      mush-rgb-blue: 33, 150, 243
      mush-rgb-light-blue: 3, 169, 244
      mush-rgb-cyan: 0, 188, 212
      mush-rgb-teal: 0, 150, 136
      mush-rgb-green: 76, 175, 80
      mush-rgb-light-green: 139, 195, 74
      mush-rgb-lime: 205, 220, 57
      mush-rgb-yellow: 255, 235, 59
      mush-rgb-amber: 255, 193, 7
      mush-rgb-orange: 255, 152, 0
      mush-rgb-deep-orange: 255, 87, 34
      mush-rgb-brown: 121, 85, 72
      mush-rgb-grey: 158, 158, 158
      mush-rgb-blue-grey: 96, 125, 139
      mush-rgb-black: 0, 0, 0
      mush-rgb-white: 255, 255, 255
      mush-rgb-info: var(--rgb-blue)
      mush-rgb-success: var(--rgb-green)
      mush-rgb-warning: var(--rgb-orange)
      mush-rgb-danger: var(--rgb-red)
      mush-rgb-state-cover: var(--rgb-blue)
      mush-rgb-state-fan: var(--rgb-green)
      mush-rgb-state-light: var(--rgb-orange)
      mush-rgb-state-entity: var(--rgb-blue)
      mush-rgb-state-switch: var(--rgb-blue)
      mush-rgb-state-alarm-disarmed: var(--rgb-info)
      mush-rgb-state-alarm-armed: var(--rgb-success)
      mush-rgb-state-alarm-triggered: var(--rgb-danger)
      mush-rgb-state-person-home: var(--rgb-success)
      mush-rgb-state-person-not-home: var(--rgb-danger)
      mush-rgb-state-person-zone: var(--rgb-info)
      mush-rgb-state-person-unknown: var(--rgb-grey)
      # You must keep this to support light/dark theme
        light: {}
        dark: {}
    opened by tungmeister 2
  • Color Icon when state is off on Mushroom entity card

    Color Icon when state is off on Mushroom entity card


    I tried to add a color template to change the color on the entity card. But seems like it is not possible to add color to an icon when state is off.

    I have a few magnet sensors on my windows, and it would be great if I could set the color of the icon to green when they are closed (State is off but set to closed since entity has device class "opening" which sets state off to closed (

    Is it possible to add the opportunity for color template like it is for the icon template?

    opened by stianmt 2
  • New Theme (Mix of themes) Square theme with round Icons

    New Theme (Mix of themes) Square theme with round Icons


    could you please make a theme where is everything square like in the theme "Mushroom Square" or "Mushroom Square Shadow" with the exception of the Icon. The Icon should be a circle like in the Theme "Mushroom" or "Mushroom Shadow"

    With best regards


    opened by j-loewen 1
  • can't install because is asking for 2022.11.0b0 to be installed

    can't install because is asking for 2022.11.0b0 to be installed

    I get the error:

    You are running Home Assistant version '2022.10.5', but this repository requires minimum version '2022.11.0b0' to be installed. I think it might happened in the last release in this line:

    opened by antoniopacheco 1
  • Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'attributes')

    Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'attributes')

    Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'attributes') at ns (mushroom.js?hacstag=444350375213:1340:3113) at sl.render (mushroom.js?hacstag=444350375213:2175:991) at sl.update (mushroom.js?hacstag=444350375213:37:410) at sl.performUpdate (mushroom.js?hacstag=444350375213:25:5057) at sl.scheduleUpdate (mushroom.js?hacstag=444350375213:25:4704) at sl.$E (mushroom.js?hacstag=444350375213:25:4612)

    opened by balkonrad 1
  • Mushroom Entity Card: Default color differs

    Mushroom Entity Card: Default color differs

    It's stated that since 2022.11 Mushroom theme is not needed anymore. But without using it, the Mushroom Entity Card's default color doesn't respect HA's default state colors.

    Example (2022.12.8):


          - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
            entity: group.weihnachtsbeleuchtung
            name: mushroom-entity-card
          - type: tile
            entity: group.weihnachtsbeleuchtung
            name: tile
          - type: entities
              - entity: group.weihnachtsbeleuchtung
                name: entities
            state_color: true
    opened by pedolsky 4
  • 2022.12.0 - Climate Card

    2022.12.0 - Climate Card


    I have noticed that running version 2022.11.5 i am able to see the HVAC modes. However running version 2022.12.0 the HVAC modes do not show up and can not be selected at all.

    Screenshot 2022-12-08 at 12 02 14
    opened by McFarTech 0
  • Chip Outline

    Chip Outline

    I used to have no outline for the chip cards. After the recent updates, I can not get rid of them. I don't know what I am missing? I have tried removing every border option I can see. Screenshot 2022-11-18 170049 Does anyone know how to remove the chip card outline?

    opened by aarnaegg 2
  • Spacing when using entity picture in Chips Card

    Spacing when using entity picture in Chips Card

    When using a chips card, if you use an entity picture I've noticed the spacing between the picture and text is quite large.

    When using the browser inspect element tool - it looks like mush-chip-padding is being applied to the text as well as the picture, rather than to both as one object. I hope that makes sense.

    opened by Qwarkk6 0
  • Add ability to choose light or dark mode in automation

    Add ability to choose light or dark mode in automation

    I would like to automatically switch from light to dark mode depending on the sun position, via an automation. But actually, there's no way to do it with this theme.

    Could you consider adding such a feature?

    opened by welcoMattic 6
  • Unable to change mushroom card text color in dark mode

    Unable to change mushroom card text color in dark mode

    I'm using a few mushroom theme variables in a separate theme (iOS) that has a light and dark mode. In light mode, the primary-text-color and secondary-text-color variables seem to change the color of the text as expected, but in dark mode, my mushroom cards don't seem to respond to changes in those variables within the dark mode group. Are there different mushroom card specific text variables I should be using or is this a bug?

    opened by GitHubGoody 0
  • v0.0.9(Nov 3, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Introduce square shadow theme by @CumpsD in

    New Contributors

    • @CumpsD made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.7(Nov 3, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add mushroom shadow theme by @piitaya in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.6(Oct 27, 2022)

    🚨 Mushroom theme is not needed anymore if you update to Home Assistant 2022.11! If you use Mushroom Square theme, you can keep it, otherwise, you can uninstall it.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.2(Feb 6, 2022)

  • v0.0.1(Feb 6, 2022)

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