Replaces native cursor with custom animated cursor.


Animated Cursor

A pure JS library to replace native cursor with a custom animated cursor.

Check out the Demo


  1. πŸ“Œ Features
  2. 🎯 Quickstart
  3. 🧬 Options
  4. πŸ€– Commands
  5. πŸ•ΉοΈ Usage
  6. 🎨 Cursor Types
  7. πŸ““ Notes
  8. πŸ“… To Dos

πŸ“Œ Features

  • Dependency free, pure JavaScript library.
  • Replaces native Cursor with custom animated cursor.
  • Cursor is comprised of inner dot and outer circle with trailing animation. Cursor elements inversely scale on click and hover.
  • Options to customize color, sizes, scaling percentages.
  • Performant cusor animation
  • Cursor is just a dom element that you can further style (ie: add border to outer cursor)
  • Hybrid NPM module, works with import and require

More the specifically, the cursor is made of

  • An inner dot (cursorInner)
  • An outer, outlining circle (cursorOuter), with slight opacity based on the inner cursor's color
  • A slight trailing animation of the outer outline
  • An inversely scaling effect between the inner and outer cursor parts on click or link hover
  • Outer cursor can also be just a border to create a Donut style cursor.
  • Outer cursor can have a blend-mode applied for an exlusion effect over hovered text / elements.

🎯 Quickstart

1. Install from NPM

npm i animated-cursor

2. Create Cursor Markup

<div id="cursor">
  <div id="cursor-outer"></div>
  <div id="cursor-inner"></div>

3. Init Cursor

Import and initialize. Example is using defaults but accepts an options paramter (see below)

import AnimatedCursor from 'animated-cursor'

// Using just default options 
const ac = AnimatedCursor()


🧬 Options

AnimatedCursor() accepts a single options param, which supports the following properties:

Option Type Description Default
cursorInnerSelector String Selector name of inner cursor element. #cursor-inner
cursorOuterSelector String Selector name of outer cursor element. #cursor-outer
useRequiredStyles Boolean If lib should add required styles to element. true
hideNativeCursor Boolean If native cursor should be hidden via internal method adding inline styles to html and body. true
color String Hex value of desired color. #D3245C
outerAlpha Number Alpha transparency level of outer cursor (0 - 1). 0.3
outerBorderSize Number Applies a border to the outer cursor. 0.3
hasOuterBlendMode Boolean Applies a blend-mode to the outer cursor 0.3
size Object Defines inner size.inner and Outer size.outer cursor sizes size: { inner: 8, outer: 40 }
hoverScale Object Defines amounts inner/outer cursors scale on hover hoverScale: { inner: 0.75, outer: 1.5 }
clickScale Object Defines amounts inner/outer cursors scale on click clickScale: { inner: 1.5, outer: 0.13 }
trailingSpeed Number Speed of outer cursor's lerp'd trailing animation 0.2
clickables Array Array of clickable elements. d ['a', 'input[type="text"]', 'input[type="email"]', 'input[type="number"]', 'input[type="submit"]', 'input[type="image"]', 'label[for]', 'select', 'textarea', 'button', '.link']

πŸ€– Project Commands

Install Project Deps

npm i


npm run build

Builds src with microbundle to the various common js patterns.

Run Dev

npm run dev

Dev has microbundle begin watching / building the files, while also running the demo project via Parcel, which imports from the local src directory.

Run Demo

npm run demo:start

Runs the demo project via Parcel.


npm run lint

πŸ•ΉοΈ Usage

Cursor markup

The cursor is created from 2 dom elements for the inner and outer parts.

<div id="cursor">
  <div id="cursor-outer"></div>
  <div id="cursor-inner"></div>

You can use the default selector names (shown above), or pass your own via the options, cursorInnerSelector and cursorOuterSelector

const opts = {
  cursorInnerSelector: '#js-cursor-outer`
  cursorOuterSelector '#js-cursor-inner',

Init Cursor

import AnimatedCursor from 'animated-cursor'

// cursor options
let acOptions = {
  color: '#0ff',
  outerAlpha: 0.25,
  size: { 
    inner: 8, 
    outer: 38 
  hoverScale: {
    inner: 0.5,
    outer: 1.4
  clickScale: {
    inner: 1.4,
    outer: 0.1

// Create Cursor instance
const cursor = AnimatedCursor(acOptions)

// Init Cursor

Use require

AnimatedCursor is a hybrid npm module, so it supports both import and require.

So, you can also require to lib like so:

const AnimatedCursor = require('animated-cursor')

const cursor = AnimatedCursor(opts)

🎨 Cursor Types

You can use the options to create various cursor types / styles. (At some point I might organize cursor types as presets.)

Create a Donut Cursor

The outerBorderSize option applies a border to the outer cursor. You can leverage this to create a Donut style cursor:

  1. Set outerAlpha to 0s (or almost 0),
  2. Provide a numeric value for outerBorderSize lkkklllklwhere the outer cursor is a ring, apply a border to the outer cursor and set the outerAlphd0 (or close to 0)
// Options to create a Donut cursor
let donutOpts = {
  color: '#0ff',
  outerAlpha: 0,
  outerBorderSize: 3

Check out the Donut Cursor Demo

Create a Blend-mode Cursor

You can create a neat Blend-mode cursor that filters the hovered text through the cursor. This probably works best with White / Black cursors.

  1. Set hasOuterBlendMode: true,
  2. Set outerAlpha to 1 or close to 1.
  3. Probs use a cursor color like #fff or #000.

Note, make sure your inner and outer cursor elements are wrapped inside a parent (as show in the examples) as the parentElement of outer cursor is targets for the blend-mode filter. lkkklllklwhere the outer cursor is a ring, apply a border to the outer cursor and set the outerAlphd0 (or close to 0)

// Options to create a blend-mode cursor.
// Cursor is white, page background-color is dark.
 let blendOpts = {
    hasOuterBlendMode: true,
    color: '#fff',
    outerAlpha: 1

Check out the Blend-mode Cursor Demo

πŸ““ Notes


For the cursors to work, some styles are require for positioning, radius, pointer-events, stating opacity, and transitions. By default, AnimatedCursor adds these styles via JS, directly on the cursor elements. If you'd prefer, you can stop the lib from adding those inline styles in favor of css. Just set useRequiredStyles: false and provide your own css to the inner/outer cursor selectors.

This action would also allow you to modify the transition speed and easings of the cursors scaling (transform) animation.

#cursor-outer {
  pointer-events: none;
  position: fixed;
  border-radius: 50%;
  opacity: 0;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  transition: opacity 0.3s ease-in-out, transform 0.3s ease-in-out; 


The hideNativeCursor option is a bool that determins if native cursor should be hidden by adding inline styles to the html and body tags. Set to false if you want to maintain the native cursor, or if you'd rather hide the cursor with css.

πŸ“… To Dos

  • Provide ability to create Donut style cursor
  • Add a demo for Donut-style cursor
  • Make clickables an option.
  • Make hybrid npm module to support import and require.
  • Make hiding native cursor an option..
  • Limit to non touch or non mobile devices.
  • Provide a destory method
  • Maybe make different cursor types available as presets?
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