To Do List Application Organize your tasks with simple add and delete functionality. Organize your items with ease.



To Do List Application Organize your tasks with simple add and delete functionality. Organize your items with ease.

Additional description about the project and its features.



Built With

  • HTML | CSS | JavaScript

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • Text Editor | Git and Github set up


  • Clone repository and open with text editor


  • Run npm install - to load necessary files from package.json

Linter Setup

  • Apply Linter checks with the following instructions
  • Webhint: Initialize and create package.json with npm init -y.

After run npm install --save-dev [email protected] Create a .hintrc file and then run npx hint . to check for errors.


  • View APP
  • Add list items
  • Remove list items
  • Re-order list items
  • Reload (clear) list



🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Based on a design by: Matt Shwery; Support on Twitter: @twitterhandle
  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
  • etc

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

  • This branch is to test Edit, Completed & ClearAll functions in ToDoList project

    This branch is to test Edit, Completed & ClearAll functions in ToDoList project

    We tested:

    Edit test

    • Check edit function
      • Edit item in DOM

    Completed test

    • Mark completed in localstorage

    ClearAll test

    • Check clear completed

    Debug Linters

    opened by myelin0 0
  • This branch is to test add & remove functions in TodoList Project

    This branch is to test add & remove functions in TodoList Project


    • test to test & mock functions for Dom manipulation
    • todo.test.js:
    • Add data to local storage
    • Check update of DOM
    • Test remove function
    • Check item is removed from DOM

    -Debug Linters

    opened by myelin0 0
  • This branch is to create core functionality add and remove with edit on Todo list app

    This branch is to create core functionality add and remove with edit on Todo list app


    • Remove hardcoded tasks from array object.
    • Implement a function for adding a new task (add a new element to the array).
    • Implement a function for deleting a task (remove an element from the array).
    • Implement a function for editing task descriptions.
    • Default property of completed new tasks set to false
    • Create JavaScript file for new feature.
    • Changes to List tasks saved in local storage.


    • Correct linter errors
    opened by steveWDamesJr 0
  • This branch is to create Todo list structure with dynamically loaded list items

    This branch is to create Todo list structure with dynamically loaded list items

    Add files:

    Webpack setup
    Index.html file for markup template with todo list placeholder using HTML Webpack Plugin
    Webpack loaded style.css


    Array object with list items including string, boolean, and number property value pairs
    Render Function to iterate over items in array
    opened by steveWDamesJr 0
  • This issue is to report following of best practices in todo list application

    This issue is to report following of best practices in todo list application

    JavaScript Best Practices

    • Keep all the JavaScript code in JS files, not in the script tag. ✔️
    • Keep your code clean following this advice about:
    • type checks ✔️ 
    • naming ✔️ 
    • simplicity - Look for ways to make functions smaller: 

    Long function

    • DRY - Could use function for repetitive Local Storage function
               - Delete repetitive code

    Repeat code lines p88-106

    • If you use node modules, .lock files should be in the repository to avoid problems with future versions of the
      dependencies. - Delete package-lock.json from .gitignore to release files into repository.

    Release package-lock.json If you use ES6, use object destructuring to get the values from an object. This way you can avoid repeating a lot
    of code - used destructuring in import statements ✔️

    opened by steveWDamesJr 0
Software Engineer: I work with tech like JS to convert ideas to reality. You dream it; We achieve it! Also enjoy Ballroom dance and open to new opportunities.
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