This single-page application displays a site where users can add/remove books from an interface and navigate between sections using ES6 Js.


Awesome Books - ES6

Web app that allows to add and remove book's data using Javascript and ES6 conventions.

Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript ES6


  • Modern web browser with Javascript enabled
  • Install package Luxon


git clone [email protected]:rominana/awesome-books-es6.git


  • GitHub: @rominana
  • Twitter: @romina_pati
  • Linkedin: romina-patino



memo License

This project is a MIT licensed project.

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  • Awesome Books - Es6 implementation

    Awesome Books - Es6 implementation

    In this project I :

    • Used ES6 syntax.
    • Divide the code into modules.
    • Save each module in a separate file in the modules dir.
    • Import modules in the index.js file.
    • Kept all functionalities of the app without errors.
    • Refactored the methods and functions to arrow functions.
    • Used let and const in the correct way.
    • Used a luxon library.
    opened by rominana 1
Romina Patiño
Front-end Developer, and @microverseinc student, looking for new opportunities | ENG/SPA/POR
Romina Patiño
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