FakeCommitter is a tool for those who want to be a GITHUB POPSTAR WITH A LOT OF CONTRIBUTIONS DAILY



npm version


FakeCommitter is a tool for those who want to be a GITHUB POPSTAR WITH A LOT OF CONTRIBUTIONS DAILY! Or maybe you just want to sync your contribution number across accounts (like me). For example: You NEED to use a different account to acess your work repositories with a work email, in this case, every commit you make count in another account.

Table of Contents

Tips before running

  • FakeCommitter make real commits into your repository, so please make sure you're in the right repo.
  • If you want commits to be private, just create an empty repo for FakeCommits.

Installation and Usage

Prerequisites: Node.js (^12.22.0, ^14.17.0, or >=16.0.0).

You can install FakeCommitter globally using npm:

$ npm i fake-committer -g

After that, you can navigate into your repo

$ cd fake-commits-repo

Create a GitHub Access Token (https://docs.github.com/pt/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token)

And run FakeCommitter on any file or directory like this:

$ fake-committer -u <GITHUB_USERNAME> -t <ACCESS_TOKEN>

You should see this output:

$ Faked!
Now, run 'git push' to push your faked commits

Just run git push and the magic is done.


Name Description Required

GitHub username to get the contribution data.


GitHub Access token to make requests.


Specify the number of commits to make.

If this option is provided, --from and --to are ignored.


A ISO DateTime to fetch contribution data by specific Date range.

If not provided, default is Date.now() (start of the day)

Example: --from "2022-01-09T00:00:00Z"


A ISO DateTime to fetch contribution data by specific Date range

If not provided, default is Date.now() (end of the day)

Example: --to "2022-01-10T00:00:00Z"


Logs every created commit.



  • Fake today commits
$ fake-committer -u <GITHUB_USERNAME> -t <ACCESS_TOKEN>
  • Fake specific date commits
$ fake-committer -u <GITHUB_USERNAME> -t <ACCESS_TOKEN> --from "2022-01-09T00:00:00Z" --to "2022-01-10T00:00:00Z"


  • Write tests
  • Add option to create a custom number of commits
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