XPeer is a WebRTC based package for building Muti-Peer-to-Peer Frontend Application.


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install & usage


npm i -s xpeer


yarn add xpeer

Data Model

// to be added


MDN: RTCPeerConnection

import XPeer, { XPeerInit } from 'xpeer'
const options: XPeerInit = {
    signalServer: string, // 'ws://localhost:8080',
    peerConfig: RTCConfiguration
const xPeer = new XPeer(options)


XPeer ">
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vaakian/XPeer/main/bundle/xpeer.bundle.min.js">script>


    // 直接使用
    const xPeer = new XPeer({
        signalServer: string, // 'ws://localhost:8080',
        peerConfig: RTCConfiguration



MDN: MediaStreamConstraints

// 加入房间
xPeer.join({roomId, nick}).then(localPeer => {
    xPeer.localPeer === localPeer // true
// 退出房间
// 共享摄像头
xPeer.shareUser(constrants: MediaStreamConstraints)
// 共享屏幕
xPeer.shareDisplay(constrants: DisplayMediaStreamConstraints)
// 设置静音
xPeer.setMute(kind: 'audio'| 'video', enabled: boolean)

// 通过datachannel发送数据
xPeer.send(message: string)
// 通过datachannel发送二进制数据(类型为ArrayBuffer)
xPeer.sendBinary(binary: ArrayBuffer)


xPeer.on('join', (peer: Peer, type: boolean) => {
    // 在与该peer成功建立rtc连接时触发
    // type为false表示我进入房间时,该peer已经在房间内了。(可以用来区分是否提示有人加入)
xPeer.on('leave', (peerInfo: PeerInfo) => {

xPeer.on('roomInfo', (users: PeerInfo[]) => {

xPeer.on('signal:open', () => {
xPeer.on('signal:error', () => {

xPeer.on('signal:close', () => {

xPeer.on('stream:user', (peer: Peer) => {

xPeer.on('stream:display', (peer: Peer) => {
xPeer.on('streamStop:display', (peer: Peer)=> {

// datachannel收到文本数据
xPeer.on('message', (peer: Peer, message: string) => {
// datachannel收到二进制数据
xPeer.on('binary', (peer: Peer, binary: ArrayBuffer) => {



  • 断连,websocket心跳.

  • addTrack -> addEvent -> setRemote 顺序

  • 多人连接应该是多个PeerConnection

  • coturn

  • 先进入房间:negotiate,再分享新的源renegotiate

In short, in order to add video or audio to an existing connection, you need to renegotiate the connection every time you make a media change. Basically you register a listener:



TODO: 前端







tell screen and video


datachannel一旦建立之后,再重新设置local和remote都没关系。 独立的sdp-信息可以在sdp中存储。 同理,track一旦接收到之后,再重新设置local和remote也没关系。 独立的sdp-信息可以在sdp中存储。


推流端:创建dc/推流(打上tag,存下来) -> 触发negotiationneeded(从本地读tag,放到sdp中) -> creaeOffer & setLocal & send -> receiveAnswer & setLocal -> icecandidate -> pc.ontrack/dc.onmessage 接收端:receiveOffer -> setRemote -> createAnswer & setLocal -> pc.ontrack / dc.onmessage

pc.ontrack: 读tag区分类别,并分别存储。

一次negotiation(offer-answer)可以推多个流:包括多个datachannel/多个track。 所以打tag,需要在sdp中一次打完。




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  • track事件笔记










    MDN Official notes:

    Note: Adding a track to a connection triggers renegotiation by firing a negotiationneeded event. See Starting negotiation in Signaling and video calling for details.

    相关: How to handle removing and re-adding remote streams/tracks - possible ID collisions?

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