Vitest for coc.nvim



Vitest for coc.nvim




Plug 'yaegassy/coc-vitest', {'do': 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile'}


Not supported at this time.

Configuration options

  • vitest.enable: Enable coc-vitest extension, default: true
  • vitest.codelens.enable: Enable codelens, default: true
  • vitest.codelens.title: CodeLens title. Can be changed to any display, default: ">> [Run Vitest]"


:CocCommand [CommandName]

e.g.: :CocCommand vitest.projectTest

  • vitest.projectTest: Run Vitest for current project
  • vitest.fileTest: Run Vitest for current file
  • vitest.singleTest: Run Vitest for single (nearest) test

Example of Vim command and key mapping:

Vim commands can be defined and executed or key mappings can be set and used.

te :call CocAction('runCommand', 'vitest.singleTest') ">
" Run Vitest for current project
command! -nargs=0 Vitest :call CocAction('runCommand', 'vitest.projectTest')

" Run Vitest for current file
command! -nargs=0 VitestCurrent :call  CocAction('runCommand', 'vitest.fileTest', ['%'])

" Run Vitest for single (nearest) test
    te :call CocAction('runCommand', 'vitest.singleTest')

CodeLens (Neovim only)


CodeLens appears above the test name in the *.test.ts and *.spec.ts files. Currently, import.meta.vitest is not supported.


By default, codeLens.enable is set to false, which disables it.

Change the setting to true to enable it.

  "codeLens.enable": true

Example key mapping (CodeLens related):



"CodeLens" does not work with "Vim8" due to coc.nvim specifications.

vitest.singleTest commands are available, so please use them.

Similar coc.nvim extension




This extension is built with create-coc-extension

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