6 Repositories
JavaScript chatgpt Libraries
Get AI newsletter recommendations tailored to developers and startups using ChatGPT prompt.
ChatGPT Newsletter AI newsletter via ChatGPT prompt for developers and startups. Technical Details Building your own custom ChatGPT involves four step
Youtube Summarizer is a web-based tool that uses ChatGPT to automatically generate summaries of YouTube videos. It lets you learn key points quickly and easily without having to watch entire lengthy videos. It is enough for users to paste the YouTube video URL into the tool and summarize the video.
YOUTUBE SUBTÄ°TLE SUMMARIZER youtubesummarizer.tech Summarizer is a web-based tool that uses ChatGPT to automatically generate summaries of YouTube vid
A Twitter bot that reads the tweets of a given username and analyzes the user's personality using AI.
Twitter Chatgpt Analysor Create a bot that reads the tweets of a given username and analyzes the user's personality using artificial intelligence.. In
AI-based CLI tool for code generation and mass refactoring
fixgpt Tool that helps you do mass changes across your codebase Create new files Mass refactoring Remove files upon certain conditions Code execution
This repository contains a fullstack chatbot project based on the ChatGPT `gpt-3.5-turbo` model.
This is a fullstack chatbot created with React, Nodejs, OpenAi, and ChatGPT while developing the following tutorial: How To Build A Chat Bot Applicati
Load ChatGPT from anywhere to Chrome.
ChatGPT Quicklink Chrome Extension Load ChatGPT from anywhere to Chrome. Concept This Chrome extension concept is pretty simple: Unleash Chrome users