Crypto APIs - Key Management System Tool (KMS)


Crypto APIs - Key Management System Tool (KMS)

Crypto APIs KMS (Key Management System) is an open-source Node.js library. It gives companies full custody of master private keys, master seeds, and mnemonics. The library allows businesses to create HD wallets (xPubs) and sign transactions locally without a network connection (offline). It can be used in combination with Crypto APIs product suite for syncing xPub, deriving wallet addresses, listing wallet addresses, getting fee recommendations, preparing the transaction with the right data, broadcasting locally signed transactions. The KMS is perfect for B2C companies, including hardware wallets and digital wallets, as well as custodial or non-custodial exchanges. By using Crypto API's open-source library, they can easily scale to satisfy the demand and create wallets for millions of users. The businesses can decide whether to hold custody of their clients' master keys, master seed, and mnemonic or give them to their customers instead.

  • Package version: 0.2.0
  • For more information, please visit
  • minimum requirement NodeJS >= 14.0


For Node.js


Then install it via:

npm install cryptoapis-kms



This method generates and returns a new public and private key pair, and the associated address with it.


 const { Enumerations, Services } = require('cryptoapis-kms');
 const blockchain = Enumerations.Blockchains.BITCOIN;
 const network = Enumerations.Networks[blockchain].NETWORK_BITCOIN_MAINNET;

 const addressService = new Services.AddressService(blockchain, network)
 const address = addressService.generateAddress();
 console.dir('New address generated successfully. Returned data:');

Return type


createHDWallet (xPub, yPub, zPub)

This method generates a new HD Wallet for a specific blockchain and network. The response from the endpoint should be stored, otherwise the data is lost and cannot be recovered.


 const { Enumerations, Services } = require('cryptoapis-kms');
 const blockchain = Enumerations.Blockchains.BITCOIN;
 const network = Enumerations.Networks[blockchain].NETWORK_BITCOIN_MAINNET;

 (async () => {
   const walletService = new Services.WalletService(blockchain, network);
   const wallet = await walletService.createHDWallet().then((data) => {
         console.dir('HD Wallet created successfully. Returned data:');
   }, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
mnemonicWordsCount Number Mnemonic words count. Possible values are 12(default), 18 or 24. [optional]

Return type


syncNewHDWallet (xPub, yPub, zPub)

After initial sync we keep updating the synced xpub all the time.


 const {Enumerations, Client, Services } = require('cryptoapis-kms');
 const blockchain = Enumerations.Blockchains.BITCOIN;
 const network = Enumerations.Networks[blockchain].NETWORK_BITCOIN_MAINNET;
 const client = new Client('YOUR API KEY', blockchain, network);
 const xPub = 'xpub6BsFsonVJR5vPChKQamp55R7veBCMD2CL3LtL83B3FS5DiayYgmoHCGQodeLTukaa4anZRQD9kNtPFHuPnCzjCiT9nrXdf3voNLhXQryBRB';

 client.syncNewHDWallet(xPub).then((data) => {
     console.dir('API called successfully. Returned data:');
 }, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
xPub String Defines the account extended publicly known key which is used to derive all child public keys.
context String In batch situations the user can use the context to correlate responses with requests. This property is present regardless of whether the response was successful or returned as an error. `context` is specified by the user. [optional]

Return type





Through this endpoint users can derive 100 change addresses, starting from the last index we have data for, which are then added to the xPub, subscribed for syncing, and start recording data. If no data is available, it will start from index 0.


 const {Enumerations, Client, Services } = require('cryptoapis-kms');
 const blockchain = Enumerations.Blockchains.BITCOIN;
 const network = Enumerations.Networks[blockchain].NETWORK_BITCOIN_MAINNET;
 const client = new Client('YOUR API KEY', blockchain, network);
 const xPub = 'xpub6BsFsonVJR5vPChKQamp55R7veBCMD2CL3LtL83B3FS5DiayYgmoHCGQodeLTukaa4anZRQD9kNtPFHuPnCzjCiT9nrXdf3voNLhXQryBRB';

 client.deriveAndSyncNewChangeAddresses(xPub).then((data) => {
     console.dir('API called successfully. Returned data:');
 }, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
xPub String Defines the account extended publicly known key which is used to derive all child public keys.
context String In batch situations the user can use the context to correlate responses with requests. This property is present regardless of whether the response was successful or returned as an error. `context` is specified by the user. [optional]

Return type





Through this endpoint users can derive 100 receiving addresses, starting from the last index we have data for, which are then added to the xPub, subscribed for syncing, and start recording data. If no data is available, it will start from index 0.


 const {Enumerations, Client, Services } = require('cryptoapis-kms');
 const blockchain = Enumerations.Blockchains.BITCOIN;
 const network = Enumerations.Networks[blockchain].NETWORK_BITCOIN_MAINNET;
 const client = new Client('YOUR API KEY', blockchain, network);
 const xPub = 'xpub6BsFsonVJR5vPChKQamp55R7veBCMD2CL3LtL83B3FS5DiayYgmoHCGQodeLTukaa4anZRQD9kNtPFHuPnCzjCiT9nrXdf3voNLhXQryBRB';

 client.deriveAndSyncNewReceivingAddresses(xPub).then((data) => {
     console.dir('API called successfully. Returned data:');
 }, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
xPub String Defines the account extended publicly known key which is used to derive all child public keys.
context String In batch situations the user can use the context to correlate responses with requests. This property is present regardless of whether the response was successful or returned as an error. `context` is specified by the user. [optional]

Return type





Through this endpoint users can list all addresses that Crypto APIs has synced for a specific xPub. This includes previous and current/new xPubs, what addresses we’ve synced for them, etc.


 const {Enumerations, Client, Services } = require('cryptoapis-kms');
 const blockchain = Enumerations.Blockchains.BITCOIN;
 const network = Enumerations.Networks[blockchain].NETWORK_BITCOIN_MAINNET;
 const client = new Client('YOUR API KEY', blockchain, network);
 const xPub = 'xpub6BsFsonVJR5vPChKQamp55R7veBCMD2CL3LtL83B3FS5DiayYgmoHCGQodeLTukaa4anZRQD9kNtPFHuPnCzjCiT9nrXdf3voNLhXQryBRB';
 const opts = {
            context: 'yourExampleString',
            addressFormat: "P2WPKH",
            isChangeAddress: true,
            limit: 15,
 client.listSyncedAddresses(xPub, opts).then((data) => {
      console.dir('API called successfully. Returned data:');
 }, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
xPub String Defines the account extended publicly known key which is used to derive all child public keys.
opts Object Optional parameters [optional]
opts.context String In batch situations the user can use the context to correlate responses with requests. This property is present regardless of whether the response was successful or returned as an error. `context` is specified by the user. [optional]
opts.addressFormat String Defines if the address is change addres or not. (default to true) [optional]
opts.isChangeAddress String Represents the format of the address [optional]
opts.limit String Defines how many items should be returned in the response per page basis. [optional]
opts.offset String The starting index of the response items, i.e. where the response should start listing the returned items [optional]

Return type




prepareUTXOBasedTransactionFromHDWallet (xPub, yPub, zPub)

Through the “Prepare a UTXO-based transaction from HD Wallet” endpoint users can prepare a transaction for signing from all synced with Crypto APIs addresses for the specific xPub. This is based on the selectionStrategy and the addresses’ balances. In the case a user has an address not synced with Crypto APIs, it will not be included. This endpoint applies to all supported UTXO-based blockchain protocols, e.g. Bitcoin, Litecoin, etc.


 const {Enumerations, Client, Services, Models } = require('cryptoapis-kms');
 const blockchain = Enumerations.Blockchains.BITCOIN;
 const network = Enumerations.Networks[blockchain].NETWORK_BITCOIN_MAINNET;
 const client = new Client('YOUR API KEY', blockchain, network);
 const xPub = "xpub6BsFsonVJR5vPChKQamp55R7veBCMD2CL3LtL83B3FS5DiayYgmoHCGQodeLTukaa4anZRQD9kNtPFHuPnCzjCiT9nrXdf3voNLhXQryBRB"
 const feeOptions = new Models.UTXOBasedFeeOptionsModel({
    prepareStrategy: Enumerations.PrepareStrategies.MINIMIZE_DUST,
    priority: Enumerations.FeePriorities.FAST,
 const recipients = [ 
     new Models.RecipientModel("tb1q8qrk9pxkjcuk4a29ec7snskaxll55jzfhrcq24", '0.000031')

 const preparedUTXOTransaction = await client.prepareUTXOBasedTransactionFromHDWallet({
     xPub: xPub,
     recipients: recipients,
 }).then((data) => {
     console.dir('API called successfully. Returned data:');
 }, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
xPub String Account Extended Public Key
recipients Array<RecipientModel> Represents a list of recipient addresses with the respective amounts
feeOptions UTXOBasedFeeOptions Represents the fee options
feeOptions.address string Represents the fee address [optional]
feeOptions.priority string Represents the fee priority [optional]
feeOptions.feeAmount string Represents the fee amount [optional]
locktime Number Represents the time at which a particular transaction can be added to the blockchain [optional]
replaceable Boolean Representation of whether the transaction is replaceable [optional]
data string Representation of the additional data [optional]

Return type




prepareAccountBasedTransactionFromHDWallet (xPub, yPub, zPub)

Through the “Prepare an account-based transaction from HD Wallet” endpoint users can prepare a transaction for signing from a synced with Crypto APIs address from the specific xPub. This endpoint applies to all supported account-based blockchain protocols, e.g. Ethereum, BSC, etc


 const {Enumerations, Client, Services, Models } = require('cryptoapis-kms');
 const blockchain = Enumerations.Blockchains.ETHEREUM;
 const network = Enumerations.Networks[blockchain].NETWORK_ETHEREUM_MAINNET;
 const client = new Client('YOUR API KEY', blockchain, network);
 const xPub = "xpub6BsFsonVJR5vPChKQamp55R7veBCMD2CL3LtL83B3FS5DiayYgmoHCGQodeLTukaa4anZRQD9kNtPFHuPnCzjCiT9nrXdf3voNLhXQryBRB
 const sender = '0x0b7155094947d785530f66d250b097b25c30a557';
 const recipient = '0xd4e2a5949359e95c7c604050dd9d54af419689c0';
 const amount = '1.2123';
 const feeOptions = new Models.AccountBasedFeeOptionsModel({
    priority: Enumerations.FeePriorities.FAST,
 const preparedAccountTransaction = await client.prepareAccountBasedTransactionFromHDWallet({
 }).then((data) => {
     console.dir('API called successfully. Returned data:');
 }, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
xPub string Account Extended Public Key
sender string Represents a sender address
recipient string Represents a recipient addresses
amount string Representation of the amount of the transaction
feeOptions UTXOBasedFeeOptions Represents the fee options
feeOptions.priority string Represents the fee priority [optional]
feeOptions.feeAmount string Represents the fee amount [optional]
nonce string Representation of the nonce value [optional]
data string Representation of the additional data [optional]

Return type





Through this endpoint users sign their transactions locally(offline) using the transaction response from Prepare Transaction From HD Wallet endpoint, both for account-based and UTXO-based


const {Enumerations, Client, Services, Models} = require('cryptoapis-kms');
const blockchain = Enumerations.Blockchains.BITCOIN;
const network = Enumerations.Networks[blockchain].NETWORK_BITCOIN_MAINNET;
const client = new Client('YOUR API KEY', blockchain, network);
const signService = new Services.SignService(blockchain, network)
const accountXpriv = 'xprv8gdau6KURKnX7mcKNjLMWx3a3tEzHCMiJDBtFCJrvmXCsHNj3wvSuJ3T8g67WvN9hkFa4y1Mnr9ZbyUzs9fdhi8mhegLufkEuwSdmDeBXvz';
const xPub = 'xpub6BsFsonVJR5vPChKQamp55R7veBCMD2CL3LtL83B3FS5DiayYgmoHCGQodeLTukaa4anZRQD9kNtPFHuPnCzjCiT9nrXdf3voNLhXQryBRB';

const preparedUTXO = await client.prepareUTXOBasedTransactionFromHDWallet({
    xPub: xPub,
    recipients: [
        new Models.RecipientModel("tb1q8qrk9pxkjcuk4a29ec7snskaxll55jzfhrcq24", '0.000031')
    feeOptions: new Models.UTXOBasedFeeOptionsModel({
        prepareStrategy: Enumerations.PrepareStrategies.MINIMIZE_DUST,
        priority: Enumerations.FeePriorities.FAST,

const signedTx = signService.signPreparedTransactionLocally(accountXpriv, preparedUTXO);
const callbackSecretKey = 'yourSecretString';
const callbackUrl = ''; // your URL for callback must be verifyed from dashboard  

client.broadcastSignedTx(signedTx.raw, callbackSecretKey, callbackUrl).then((data) => {
    console.dir('API called successfully. Returned data:');
}, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
accountXpriv String Account Extended Private Key
transaction TransactionDTO Prepared Transaction From Xpub (Account-based or UTXO-based)

Return type





broadcast locally signed transaction


 const {Enumerations, Client, Services, Models } = require('cryptoapis-kms');
 const blockchain = Enumerations.Blockchains.BITCOIN;
 const network = Enumerations.Networks[blockchain].NETWORK_BITCOIN_MAINNET;
 const client = new Client('YOUR API KEY', blockchain, network);
 const signService = new Services.SignService(blockchain, network)
 const accountXpriv = 'xprv8gdau6KURKnX7mcKNjLMWx3a3tEzHCMiJDBtFCJrvmXCsHNj3wvSuJ3T8g67WvN9hkFa4y1Mnr9ZbyUzs9fdhi8mhegLufkEuwSdmDeBXvz';
 const xPub = 'xpub6BsFsonVJR5vPChKQamp55R7veBCMD2CL3LtL83B3FS5DiayYgmoHCGQodeLTukaa4anZRQD9kNtPFHuPnCzjCiT9nrXdf3voNLhXQryBRB';

 const preparedUTXO = await client.prepareUTXOBasedTransactionFromHDWallet({
     xPub: xPub,
     recipients: [
         new Models.RecipientModel("tb1q8qrk9pxkjcuk4a29ec7snskaxll55jzfhrcq24", '0.000031')
     feeOptions: new Models.UTXOBasedFeeOptionsModel({
         prepareStrategy: Enumerations.PrepareStrategies.MINIMIZE_DUST,
         priority: Enumerations.FeePriorities.FAST,

 const signedTx = signService.signPreparedTransactionLocally(accountXpriv, preparedUTXO);
 const callbackSecretKey = 'yourSecretString';
 const callbackUrl = ''; // your URL for callback must be verifyed from dashboard  
 client.broadcastSignedTx(signedTx.raw, callbackSecretKey, callbackUrl).then((data) => {
     console.dir('API called successfully. Returned data:');
 }, (error) => {


Name Type Description Notes
signedTransactionHex String String identifier of the transaction
callbackSecretKey String Represents the Secret Key value provided by the customer. This field is used for security purposes during the callback notification, in order to prove the sender of the callback as Crypto APIs
callbackUrl String Represents the URL that is set by the customer where the callback will be received at. The callback notification will be received only if and when the event occurs.
context String In batch situations the user can use the context to correlate responses with requests. This property is present regardless of whether the response was successful or returned as an error. `context` is specified by the user. [optional]

Return type





  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: x-api-key
  • Location: HTTP header


Anyone who wants to contribute is welcome. Use the Issues as a way to make suggestions that you want to see or even want to create.

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