A service to add web page screenshots to your Eleventy sites.

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CSS api-screenshot

Screenshot API

A runtime service to use live website screenshots on your site.


Image URLs have the formats:

  • url must be URI encoded.
  • Valid size values:
    • small: 375×___ (default)
    • medium: 650×___
    • large: 1024×___
      • aspectratio of 9:16 is not supported (throws an error)
    • opengraph: always 1200×630, works with zoom
      • aspectratio is ignored (no errors thrown)
  • Valid aspectratio values:
    • 1:1 (default)
    • 9:16
  • Valid zoom values:
    • bigger (1.4 devicePixelRatio)
    • smaller (0.71 devicePixelRatio)

Advanced: Manual Cache Busting

If the screenshots aren’t updating at a high enough frequency you can pass in your own cache busting key using an underscore prefix _ after your URL.

This can be any arbitrary string tied to your unique build, here’s an example that uses today’s date:



Deploy to Netlify

  • Error: Invalid `url`: .netlify

    Error: Invalid `url`: .netlify

    Is there something I have to configure in Netlify to have it skip the .netlify/functions/screenshots when making a request for a screenshot?

    Calling the function with this in the path results in an error Invalid url: .netlify


    opened by scottwater 9
  • CSS features seem to be unsupported on headless Chromium

    CSS features seem to be unsupported on headless Chromium

    I am pretty sure that this is the wrong place to open this issue and not a problem with your scripts, but somehow it might be helpful to see whatever solution this brings for others: I am using a specific CSS3-feature that seems to be broken in the screenshots.



    Original (with Chrome browser loaded):

    Screenshot 2022-03-08 at 21-37-05 Creating a GPG Key for Github Gitlab Deployment - kollitsch de

    Could you maybe point me in a direction what exactly is the issue here?


    • dark theme is default, light theme is used (cache? I just changed today to the dark theme as default, but adding random characters to the URL won't load a dark theme screenshot)
    • background-clip is not working - code

    Is the headless Chrome somehow in-capacitated in regards to specific features? I thought the used browser in puppeteer is the latest version...

    opened by davidsneighbour 5
  • unnecessary code?

    unnecessary code?

    I feel like this piece is doing nothing...


    opened by theiliad 5
  • Build breaking due to incorrect dependency resolution

    Build breaking due to incorrect dependency resolution

    Building fails since a8b6b69 due to chrome-aws-lambda requiring puppeteer-core 10.1.*.

    npm ERR! code ERESOLVE
    npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree
    npm ERR! 
    npm ERR! While resolving: [email protected]
    npm ERR! Found: [email protected]
    npm ERR! node_modules/puppeteer-core
    npm ERR!   puppeteer-core@"^13.4.0" from the root project
    npm ERR! 
    npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency:
    npm ERR! peer puppeteer-core@"^10.1.0" from [email protected]
    npm ERR! node_modules/chrome-aws-lambda
    npm ERR!   chrome-aws-lambda@"^10.1.0" from the root project
    npm ERR! 
    npm ERR! Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry
    npm ERR! this command with --force, or --legacy-peer-deps
    npm ERR! to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution.
    npm ERR! 
    npm ERR! See /Users/alexandersandberg/.npm/eresolve-report.txt for a full report.
    npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
    npm ERR!     /Users/alexandersandberg/.npm/_logs/2022-03-06T11_11_34_128Z-debug-0.log


    Downgrade puppeteer-core.

    opened by alexandersandberg 3
  • chrome-aws-lambda not compatible with Node 16, using a replacement is too large to deploy

    chrome-aws-lambda not compatible with Node 16, using a replacement is too large to deploy

    After cloning this repo and deploying a new Netlify site, my site function wasn't generating images even when using exactly the same URL syntax as used on 11ty.dev.

    Here's my original question on the 11ty Discord forum: https://discord.com/channels/741017160297611315/1039318195644928060

    The problem appears to be chrome-aws-lambda not running correctly on Node 16. LewisDaleUK attempted to submit a PR ( https://github.com/11ty/api-screenshot/pull/14 ) using @sparticuz/chromium as a better-maintained replacement, but changing the dependency increases the package size over the 50 MB limit for functions.

    Because Netlify is switching all new deploys to Node 16, this effectively means this project can't be used to launch new sites on Netlify.

    opened by stephenjbell 2
  • fix: force nodejs 12

    fix: force nodejs 12

    I couldn't make this repo run by default on Netlify without downgrading Node.js versions.

    14/16 didn't work, but 12 worked

    I suggest specifying a version so that others trying to deploy it do not have to figure things out


    • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66214552/tmp-chromium-error-while-loading-shared-libraries-libnss3-so-cannot-open-sha/67117619#67117619
    • https://answers.netlify.com/t/lambda-function-failing-in-netlify-build-20-3-1/48900
    • https://answers.netlify.com/t/chrome-aws-lambda-stopped-working-possibly-due-to-different-version-of-netlify-build/48847
    bug documentation 
    opened by slorber 2
  • Discord Fails to show screenshots

    Discord Fails to show screenshots

    When linking to an 11ty screenshot image using either a direct link or an embed there is no image. Screenshot url: https://v1.screenshot.11ty.dev/https%3A%2F%2Fsplatoon.catgirlin.space%2Fopengraph%2F/opengraph/_wait:2_202249--1162/ image

    Link: https://splatoon.catgirlin.space/battles/VnNIaXN0b3J5RGV0YWlsLXUtYXFha3g1N21va3NzZWlic3pubW06UkVDRU5UOjIwMjIxMjExVDAyMjAwMl9jNDJmZWFhZi03NDA2LTRkY2YtYWY3MC0wNTNjZGMzYmE1Yjg/ Screenshot url: https://v1.screenshot.11ty.dev/https%3A%2F%2Fsplatoon.catgirlin.space%2Fopengraph%2Fbattles%2FVnNIaXN0b3J5RGV0YWlsLXUtYXFha3g1N21va3NzZWlic3pubW06UkVDRU5UOjIwMjIxMjExVDAyMjAwMl9jNDJmZWFhZi03NDA2LTRkY2YtYWY3MC0wNTNjZGMzYmE1Yjg%2F/opengraph/_wait:2_202249/ image

    In both cases, the image was already generated, so it shouldn't be a timeout issue. These links work fine on their own, and I haven't had an issue with open graph images anywhere else.

    opened by catgirlinspace 0
  • Chromium 50MB AWS Lambda Node 12 Mega Issue

    Chromium 50MB AWS Lambda Node 12 Mega Issue

    Spawned from #13. Related to #15.

    Ideally we could upgrade the node runtime https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-runtimes.html but newer versions of puppeteer blow past the 50MB AWS Lambda limit. I haven’t tested all versions of Puppeteer to see if there are some that work in Node 14 but don’t hit the 50MB limit yet.

    Right now the workaround/requirement is to put an environment variable in your Netlify app UI setting AWS_LAMBDA_JS_RUNTIME to nodejs12.x. This cannot be set via netlify.toml (https://answers.netlify.com/t/netlify-functions-and-env-variables-from-netlify-toml/4404/28)

    PR #14 uses the new package from Sparticuz: https://github.com/Sparticuz/chromium/issues/8

    There is a hard deadline on this one (March 31, 2023) as Node 12 in AWS is going away: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/developer/announcing-the-end-of-support-for-node-js-12-x-in-the-aws-sdk-for-javascript-v3/


    • Build plugin may workaround the netlify.toml issue https://github.com/bencao/netlify-plugin-inline-functions-env#readme
    • https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/da92055e9c187f4d0cce6ca548bc69689c452b6d/docs/troubleshooting.md
    • https://answers.netlify.com/t/chrome-aws-lambda-stopped-working-possibly-due-to-different-version-of-netlify-build/48847
    • https://answers.netlify.com/t/netlify-function-with-puppeteer-breaks-if-i-make-any-changes/76924
    bug: dependency 
    opened by zachleat 0
  • Font Weight is not preserved

    Font Weight is not preserved

    The font weight does not seem to be preserved.

    I tried the manual cache invalidation and custom wait conditions too but get the same results. This might be related to issue #9


    | Original | 11ty Screenshot | | :---: | :---: | | blendit-original | blendit-11ty-screenshot | | Original URL | 11ty API URL wait:2 | | projects-original | projects-11ty-screenshot | | Original URL | 11ty API URL |

    I'm using Bootstrap v5 and all custom CSS is minified inline. The NavBar and other styles from Bootstrap seem to load. I'm using the default font from bootstrap and am changing the font weight using custom CSS.


    opened by imaginelenses 0
  • Enable puppeteer and Chromium to work with latest versions of Node.

    Enable puppeteer and Chromium to work with latest versions of Node.

    Update puppeteer-core and replace chrome-aws-lambda with @sparticuz/chromium

    The current code will only work with Node 12, meaning it can't be deployed out of the box as Netlify uses Node 16.

    The chrome-aws-lambda package hasn't been maintained in over a year, https://github.com/sparticuz/chromium is an alternative that provides the same functionality.

    This is now able to be auto-deployed by Netlify and run out-of-the-box again


    • https://answers.netlify.com/t/netlify-cli-dropping-support-for-node-js-version-12/75130
    opened by LewisDaleUK 2
  • Missing emoji

    Missing emoji

    via the original blog post:

    Update (July 30, 2021): The other issue I noticed with using Puppeteer in a Lambda is that emoji are not available to the rendered content. So if a site is using Emoji they do not render. It looks like Matic Jurglič may have a workaround to solve this.


    opened by zachleat 0
  • Docs: explain how to deal with CORS

    Docs: explain how to deal with CORS

    I've installed this on my own domain screenshots.nicolas-hoizey.com hosted on Netlify.

    It works well when run in the browser: https://screenshots.nicolas-hoizey.com/https%3A%2F%2Fcloudfour.com%2Fthinks%2Fsvg-icon-stress-test%2F/large/

    But I get a CORS error when I try to use this image in a page on another domain: image

    I tried to add this to my netlify.toml file, but it doesn't fix the issue:

      for = "/*"
        Access-Control-Allow-Origin = "*"

    Is there something specific to do because it's a Netlify Function?

    There might be something here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/57974136/717195

    opened by nhoizey 0
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