Bootstrap for Ember.js


Please use our CLI-ADDONS instead

We rewrote almost all components from scratch and packed them as Ember-Addons, Please avoid using this project and use the separated components instead:

If you find a useful component in this project that does not exist yet as an addon you can post an issue here.

This project is deprecated, why?

While this project is currently used in many production applications, we have decided to discontinue the development for the development of our new rich components available here:

There are several advantaged for using Indexia Ember Components, some of them are:

  • Components were refactored and designed much better.
  • Components are Ember-Cli addons for easy integration.
  • Components are splitted into addons in order to avoid blowing up the app size with unneccessary bits.

For more info see:

Bootstrap for Ember

Bootstrap for Ember.js is a collection of UI components based on Twitter Bootstrap v3 for Ember.js

Bootstrap for Ember goes much further than using plain Bootstrap by providing extra functionality by leveraging the power of Ember.

With the power of Ember.js and the beauty of Bootstrap, expect interactive, clean, lightweight, powerful and most importantly very easy to use components. In fact, using the components is usually much easier and shorter than using Bootstrap as is, see showcase!


A picture is worth a thousand words

Bootstrap for Ember ShowCase

For forms components, take a look at Ember Forms project


Because Bootstrap is awesome but using it as is for Ember apps makes code dirty as the interaction with Controllers or other Ember components requires code wiring.

This project is heavily based on Ember Components, which makes the usage of the components fun and doesnt ruin the simplicy of Bootstrap usage at all,


This project is under AGGRESSIVE development and changes constantly, if you find it interesting, we suggest you to watch it or visit often to see the new stuff, and if you like it, star it :-)


Also, (Bootstrap for #emberjs using components) is kind of awesome!

— Yehuda Katz (@wycats) August 31, 2013
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>



Simply copy the 'dist' folder to your project or use Bower:

bower install ember-addons.bs_for_ember --save


Include files in your project

  • You must include the bs-core.min.js file before any other JS components files, this is the minimal core file of the library.
  • Then include one or more JS components in your project, see the /dist/js folder for the component list.

Note: You still need to include the bootstrap css file, but you don't need to include any bootstrap JS files.


  • Bootstrap 3 css.
  • Fontawesome 4.
  • Ember.js 1.3.1 or higher.

Step by Step

For step by step instructions, see Hello World - Step by Step

Thats all, happy coding!



Standard Apache2, see LICENSE.

  • Popover for ember

    Popover for ember


    I created a popover implementation for emberjs (basically copied code from bootstrap and adapted it) : Maybe you want to integrate it into this project :)

    here is a working example:

    The popover automatically binds to the previous element in the dom. If it doesnt exist it will select it's parent. It's also possible to set the element by defining "onElement" (id of the element).

    opened by patricklx 15
  • Button Groups ... two problems

    Button Groups ... two problems

    There are two problems with button groups:

    1. The documentation -- similar to Modals -- suggests that button meta data be carried in Ember Objets when in fact it is required that these be standard JS objects. The fix to this is just a documentation fix.
    2. Even when using the JS objects, I can set both title and type attributes and while they get passed into the component correctly the title is not displayed on the button. Here's what it looks like:


    This is based on the following config in the controller:

    filterTypes: [
        {title:"All", type:"success"},

    And the following template:

    {{bs-btn-group size="standard" contentBinding="filterTypes" selectedBinding="selected"}}
    opened by yankeeinlondon 10
  • Button problems with Modal

    Button problems with Modal

    Loving this add-on but am struggling to get the modal functionality to work. Specifically the footer buttons are causing me problems. Here's what it looks like:


    And yet the controller, I believe, is setup as the showcase suggests it should be:

    myModalButtons: [
        Ember.Object.create({title: 'Submit', clicked: "submit"}),
        Ember.Object.create({title: 'Cancel', clicked: "cancel", dismiss: 'modal'})

    The HTML that Ember generates for a button node is:

    <button id="ember1042" class="ember-view btn btn-default">
        <script id="metamorph-265-start" type="text/x-placeholder"></script>
        <script id="metamorph-265-end" type="text/x-placeholder"></script>

    Have you seen this before? Any help on how I can get around this?

    opened by yankeeinlondon 10
  • Accordion Component

    Accordion Component

    I'm currently looking for accordion support.

    I am more than willing to help out where I can and will look more into implementing this and putting in a PR if I can.

    At first glance, I'm not quite sure how things are being done, but I will study some of the ember component docs. If you are available to pair program or skype for a bit, I'd love to join in and knock out other components as well.

    opened by rtablada 9
  • Using Alert properties in Notifications

    Using Alert properties in Notifications

    I've tried using Alert properties on notifications like dismiss and dismissAfter but they are not working. Is there another way to use those properties on notifications now?

    opened by seifsallam 8
  • Growl-like Notifications component.

    Growl-like Notifications component.

    Differentiate Notifications from Alerts by converting Notifications to more of a Growl style but bootstrap styles of course. Maybe a simple CSS change would work well.

    This is an interesting implementation:!/posts/growllike-notifications-with-emberjs

    opened by cpursley 8
  • Handlebars error: Could not find property 'bs-button' on object

    Handlebars error: Could not find property 'bs-button' on object

    I want to extend the step-by-step Hello World! tutorial (alert works fine), with a modal, but im getting the following error:

    Uncaught Error: <Ember._MetamorphView:ember322> Handlebars error: Could not find property 'bs-button' on object App.IndexController:ember314.


           <script type="text/x-handlebars">
              <h2>Welcome to Ember.js</h2>
            <script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
                {{bs-alert message="A self destroyable hello world message!" type="info" dismissAfter=2 fade=true}}
                //we only render a button which will programatically create the modal
                {{bs-button title="Create Modal" clicked="createModalProgramatically"}}


    App = Ember.Application.create(); {
      // put your routes here
    App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
      model: function() {
        return ['red', 'yellow', 'blue'];
    App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
      manualButtons: [
        {title: 'Submit', clicked: "submitManual"},
        {title: 'Cancel', dismiss: 'modal'}
      actions: {
        submitManual: function() {
          Bootstrap.NM.push('Modal destroyed!', 'success');
          return Bootstrap.ModalManager.close('manualModal');
        createModalProgramatically: function() {
          //@property {string} The name of the modal, required later to close the modal (see submitManual function above)
          //@property {string} The title of the modal.
          //@property {string} The template name to render within the modal body, a View class may also be specified.
          //@property {array} Array of Button meta data
          //@property {object} The controller instance that instantiate the modal.
'manualModal', 'Hello', 'demo-template', this.manualButtons, this);

    bs-modal.max.js is included,

    DEBUG: ------------------------------- DEBUG: Ember : 1.4.0 DEBUG: Ember Data : 1.0.0-beta.7.f87cba88 DEBUG: Handlebars : 1.1.2 DEBUG: jQuery : 1.10.2 DEBUG: -------------------------------

    opened by BenjaminHorn 7
  • Forms


    One of the things I really find hard to build with Ember is forms,

    I'd like BFE to provide a complete support for forms without making it too "fix" in a way that it's hard to modify (behaviorally & visually)

    I'll be glad to get some comments if you guys have about what would you expect from it,

    My thoughts are:

    1. Support Bootstrap's tags for proper layout.
    2. Support vertical / horizontal layout
    3. Support validating (with no JS code whenever possible)
    4. Support styling for displaying error messages, green / red backgrounds when validation is success / fails.


    opened by asaf 7
  • modal problem

    modal problem

    I just tried the demo code from the showcase for a simple modal, but when I press the "show modal" button, my screen looks like this:


    all I can do is press escape. What am I missing ?

    opened by jmls 7
  • How do I extend GrowlNotifications?

    How do I extend GrowlNotifications?

    You have iconType defined like this in the itemViewClass

    iconType: (function() {
        var hash, type;
        type = this.get('content.type');
        hash = {
          'info': 'fa-bullhorn',
          'success': 'fa-check',
          'warning': 'fa-exclamation',
          'danger': 'fa-times'
        return hash[type] || '';

    How can I extend this with a basic piece of custom behavior? I just want to change return hash[type] || ''; to return hash[type] || type; so I'm able to also pass in custom font awesome icons.

    I'm stuck, I can't figure this out without hacking.

    opened by farzher 6
  • Tab state with route nesting

    Tab state with route nesting

    Hey guys,

    I'm not 100% sure that this is the ideal place for this question/issue, so let me know for future reference.

    Suppose I have two tabs: "TabOne", maps to route #/tab-one "TabTwo", maps to route #/tab-two

    tab-one has a child route that renders inside of the "TabOne" tab pane. Let its route be #/tab-one/child

    If the user navigates directly to #/tab-one/child (i.e., NOT to #/tab-one followed by #/tab-one/child), the TabOne tab link isn't active. It appears that bs-tabs catches transitions to exactly #/tab-one, not #/tab-one/child. This makes sense in general, but not for my specific case. Can I get the bs-tabs component to toggle the correct tab state or will I need to do this manually?

    Thank you!

    opened by rcameron-oculus 6
  • HTMLBars support

    HTMLBars support

    I know HTMLBars is still in canary but if someone could help point me in the right direction, I could work on a PR to get the templates compatible for HTMLBars and ember 1.10. Thanks!

    opened by SirZach 3
  • bootstrap-for-ember results in CSP reports

    bootstrap-for-ember results in CSP reports

    I added bootstrap for ember to my project via ember-cli-bootstrap. My browser is now giving "unsafe-inline" warnings in the console. I can disable this by editing environment.js and adding "unsafe-inline" to the "style-src" of the content security policy (CSP). It would be nice to not have to do that, however. This basically weakens a security feature of the browser.

    I believe the issue is due to attributeBindings: ['style'] in some components. In particular, I noticed this in Notifications and GrowlNotifications.

    opened by mikeazo 0
  • Pressing ESC key or clicking close (x) button in header closes modal without triggering cancel event

    Pressing ESC key or clicking close (x) button in header closes modal without triggering cancel event

    Pressing the escape key while the modal is visible will dismiss the modal without triggering the action associated with the button handling dismiss: 'modal'. That same is true for clicking the close button x in the modal header.

    For example, when a cancel button is created in the controller using Ember.Object.create({title: 'Cancel', clicked:"cancel", dismiss: 'modal'}) clicking the button will trigger the cancel action and dismiss the modal. However, pressing the escape key or clicking the close button x in the modal header will only dismiss the modal without triggering the cancel action.

    The examples in the Modal Showcase exhibit the behavior described above.

    opened by descanso 0
  • 0.7.0(May 15, 2014)

    New components:

    • Items action bar
    • Popover

    Many bug fixes.


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.6.1(Feb 12, 2014)

  • 0.6.0(Jan 25, 2014)

    Yet another minor version which includes:

    • There is no need for manual component registration anymore, just include the relevant JS files.
    • Items Action Bar component:
    • Support passing object as a param for clicked event on the button component.
    • Multiple bug fixes.


    NOTE: This release requires Ember 1.3.1 and higher to work.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.5.2(Nov 21, 2013)

  • 0.5.0(Sep 9, 2013)

    This is the 5th minor release that mainly focused on:

    • Include a non-minimized JS components for debugging purposes #30
    • Growl-like Notifications component #27
    • Make Panels collapsible #26
    • List Group #24
    • Several minor bug fixes
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.4.0(Sep 4, 2013)

  • 0.3.0(Sep 1, 2013)

    This is the 3rd minor release that releases few more components:

    • Panel Component #13
    • Notifications #10
    • Button-Group Component #14
    • Tab Panes component. #19
    • Support Tabs via Routes: #20
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.0(Aug 29, 2013)

    This is minor release that ships new components to the world:

    • Progress Bar (#6)
    • Page Header Component (#7)
    • Pills Navigation Component (#8)
    • Tabs Component (#9)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.1(Aug 27, 2013)

  • 0.1.0(Aug 27, 2013)

    This is the first minor release and contains core components and showcase:

    • Well block component (#1)
    • Live Components Showcase, Alert and Label. (#2)
    • Badge component (#3)
    • Button Component (#4)
    • Publish as Bower package. (#5)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Bootstrap for Ember.js

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