Awesome Books Restructured


Awesome Books Restructured

In this project, I restructured Awesome books app code that collaborated. The goal is to make it more organized by using modules. I also practiced the ES6 syntax that I have learned.

Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Live Demo

Live Demo

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

1.- Fork this project

2.- Open the project directory in your terminal

3.- In the terminal, install the project dependencies by running

npm install

4.- To see the main page open index.html with your Internet browser.

5.- To see the code open the project in your code editor of your preference.

👤 Author

Leonardo Pires Goss

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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  • Peer to peer code review 15-02-22

    Peer to peer code review 15-02-22

    Good job so far!

    • [ ] I really liked your code! It is very organized, and making indexes of folders.
    • [ ] I would suggest to implement luxon as a module, even if it does not work with github pages, so you can try implementing a module.

    Keep it up!

    opened by iKuartz 0
  • Milestone 1: Re-create Awesome Books

    Milestone 1: Re-create Awesome Books

    Milestone 1: Re-create Awesome Books

    In this milestone I:

    • Re-created the Awesome Books using ES6 modules
    • Used ES6 syntax (classes, const and let variables, and object destructuring)
    • Used Luxon library to get the current date and time to updated user's date
    • Improved its responsiveness
    • Updated README

    Live Demo

    opened by leopiresgoss 0
Leonardo Goss
Full-Stack Software Developer, JavaScript enthusiast and art lover. Open to new opportunities.
Leonardo Goss
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