Started pack for working with the new GameTest Framework API. Usable in windows, and mobile in worlds and realms!



GameTest FrameWork

GameTest FrameWork is a new feature in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. This gives you the ability to script! In this example I will be using the Module 'Minecraft'. This module gives you a lot of abilities. Such as giving you the ability to make custom commands, and many more!
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Table of Contents

  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contributing
  6. License
  7. Contact
  8. Acknowledgements

About The Project

There aren't many examples out there on this new feature 'GameTest'. I have made this to help you out and give you a solid example on what this new feature can be used for! This project includes a command handler in ES6, which is really easy to understand if you have the basic JS knowledge. I have left comments through out the project for you to understand what's going on better!

  • This is basically a starter kit. You won't have to build your's from scratch, if you were planning to make custom commands.

  • I have built you a custom command handler! So, you won't need to repeat your code over and over again.

  • Built in event listeners. Making it easier for you to listen for events!

  • The files/commands are very organized. This will make your navigations way easier.

Built With

Getting Started

Easy Method

  • Download this zip folder and name it to .mcpack and import it by clicking on the file. This method will only world, if you have Minecraft Bedrock Edition in the same device you are doing this action on.

Recommended Method

  • Another Method would be to take the zipped folder and unzip/extract it. Take you folder can move it to the folder 'development_behavior_packs', which can be found in a path like '\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang\development_behavior_packs'. This will make your life way easier, while developing this pack. It will update the content inside your game everytime you make any changes to the script. For the changes to apply you must leave and rejoin your world where the pack is applied at.


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone


Most of the features should work as of now version 1.17.10. A lot of the class, methods, properties and more may change a lot. Since GameTest FrameWork is in heavy development as of now.

WARNING: If you are going to apply any GameTest related scripts to your world, please make a copy of your world before you do so! I'm not responsible if anything goes wrong-

Create a new world, since GameTest FrameWork is still experimental. Make sure in your settings you have GameTest FrameWork enabled under Experiments category. At last type in the game chat +help for the list of commands or +help [command name] to get information on a specific command! You can edit/add commands to the pack in the folder.

Documentation on GameTest FrameWork


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


You can share your amazing talent with other people! Any Contributions are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Discord - notbeer#9204

Project Link:


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    `//Importing stuff that is used in this file import * as Minecraft from 'Minecraft'; import * as allCommands from './commands/export.js'; import * as misc from './utils/misc.js'; import * as utils from './utils/others.js';

    var config = { commandPrefix: "+" //Our custom command prefix }; => { //Event to listen for message being sent in chat if(!chatmsg.message.startsWith(config.commandPrefix)) return; //If message doesn't start with the prefix don't execute any of the stuff below

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    if(command.commandInfo.cancelMessage) chatmsg.canceled = true; //This goes to the command file and looks if variable "commandInfo" has a propert "cancelMessage" set to true. If it does it will make sure the message the user sent in chat never actually gets displayed in chat
    try { //Try to execute the command file
        command.execute(chatmsg, args, Minecraft);
    } catch (error) {
        utils.runCommand(`say : §c${error}`);


    //I seperated these stuff to make stuff more organized => { //Another chat listening event if(chatmsg.message.startsWith(config.commandPrefix)) return; //If they are trying to execute a custom command don't execute the stuff below if(utils.findTag({ entityRequirements: [type=player,name="${}"] }, { searchTag: 'rainbowText'})) chatmsg.message = misc.rainbowText(chatmsg.message); //Look for the tag 'rainbowText' on the player who executed the command, if they have the tag make their chat text to rainbow misc.displayRank(chatmsg); //This will check if they have a rank, if they do add a rank to their text in chat });

    //!This will execute a function inide it which will be "setTickInterval" only once when the server side is loaded let tickExeOnce = 0; => { //Run stuff inside every world tick if(tickExeOnce >= 1) return; utils.runCommand(tellraw @a {"rawtext":[{"text":"§eGameTest FrameWork API Starter Pack§r\n§bCredit: §rThis pack was made by §anotbeer\n§9Discord: §fnotbeer#9204\n§aXbox Live: §fColoringEmy86\n\n§dType §a${config.commandPrefix}help §dfor more information!"}]}); //utils.setTickInterval(startupFunctions, 20); tickExeOnce++; });

    function startupFunctions() { misc.writeLeaderboard( { floatingTextIdentifier: 'notbeer:floating_text', leaderboardEntity: 'MoneyL', objective: 'money', displayLength: 10 }, { leaderboardHeading: 'Money Leaderboard\nTop players with the most Money\n§r\n', leaderboardLayout: '§e#$(RANK) §b$(GAMERTAG) §f- §a$§c$(SCORE)' }, { compressScore: false } ); };

    export { config }; `

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