Chart.js Graph-like Charts (tree, force directed)


Chart.js Graphs

NPM Package Github Actions

Chart.js module for charting graphs. Adding new chart types: graph, forceDirectedGraph, dendogram, and tree.





Works great with or

data label

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Related Plugins

Check out also my other chart.js plugins:


npm install --save chart.js chartjs-chart-graph


see Samples on Github


Graphviz Dot File Parsing

A Graphviz Dot File parsing package is located at It creates compatible data structures to be consumed by this plugin.


The new chart types are based on the existing line controller. Tho, instead of showing a line per dataset it shows edges as lines. Therefore, the styling options for points and lines are the same. See also However, to avoid confusion, the line options have a default line prefix, e..g lineBorderColor to specify the edge border color and pointBorderColor to specify the node border color.

Data Structure

data: {
  labels: ['A', 'B', 'C'], // node labels
  datasets: [{
    data: [ // nodes as objects
      { x: 1, y: 2 }, // x, y will be set by the force directed graph and can be omitted
      { x: 3, y: 1 },
      { x: 5, y: 3 }
    edges: [ // edge list where source/target refers to the node index
      { source: 0, target: 1},
      { source: 0, target: 2}

Alternative structure for trees

data: {
  labels: ['A', 'B', 'C'], // node labels
  datasets: [{
    data: [ // nodes as objects
      { x: 1, y: 2 }, // x, y will be set by the force directed graph and can be omitted
      { x: 3, y: 1, parent: 0 },
      { x: 5, y: 3, parent: 0 }

Force Directed Graph

chart type: forceDirectedGraph

Computes the x,y position of nodes based on a force simulation. It is based on


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Dendogram, Tree

chart types: dendogram, tree

The tree and dendograms layouts are based on

Dendogram Horizontal


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Dendogram Vertical


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Dendogram Radial


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Tidy Tree Horizontal


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Tidy Tree Vertical


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Tidy Tree Radial


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ESM and Tree Shaking

The ESM build of the library supports tree shaking thus having no side effects. As a consequence the chart.js library won't be automatically manipulated nor new controllers automatically registered. One has to manually import and register them.

Variant A:

import { Chart, LinearScale, Point } from 'chart.js';
import { ForceDirectedGraphController, EdgeLine } from 'chartjs-chart-graph';

// register controller in chart.js and ensure the defaults are set
Chart.register(ForceDirectedGraphController, EdgeLine, LinearScale, Point);

new Chart(ctx, {
  data: [...],

Variant B:

import { ForceDirectedGraphChart } from 'chartjs-chart-graph';

new ForceDirectedGraphChart(ctx, {
  data: [...],

Development Environment

npm i -g yarn
yarn install
yarn sdks vscode


yarn install
yarn build
  • Rotate forceDirectedGraph

    Rotate forceDirectedGraph

    Hi. I use your example with 'forceDirectedGraph' and i provided my example json.

    const data =`
      "nodes": [
          "id": "e1049793-0c77-4f32-b95d-8067613798d9"
          "id": "c315f4a6-5f1d-464d-8f7b-e369d7d205cf"
          "id": "524f4f3a-edf1-484b-9e5a-54f347937e27"
          "id": "b55af307-e2ce-4d27-8851-5f204770d922"
          "id": "df0b4f7d-8b70-4884-b249-635010d95be5"
      "links": [
          "source": "e1049793-0c77-4f32-b95d-8067613798d9",
          "target": "c315f4a6-5f1d-464d-8f7b-e369d7d205cf"
          "source": "c315f4a6-5f1d-464d-8f7b-e369d7d205cf",
          "target": "524f4f3a-edf1-484b-9e5a-54f347937e27"
          "source": "c315f4a6-5f1d-464d-8f7b-e369d7d205cf",
          "target": "b55af307-e2ce-4d27-8851-5f204770d922"
          "source": "524f4f3a-edf1-484b-9e5a-54f347937e27",
          "target": "df0b4f7d-8b70-4884-b249-635010d95be5"
          "source": "b55af307-e2ce-4d27-8851-5f204770d922",
          "target": "df0b4f7d-8b70-4884-b249-635010d95be5"

    And it generates graph i wanted. But furthermore i want to have first node at the top and last note at the bottom. Currently I have left side, but I want right side. Do you know how can i do that? And I want labels to be visible all the time. image

    • Version: Newest
    • Browser: Chrome
    opened by sk0gen 8
  • Pan with chartjs-chart-graph?

    Pan with chartjs-chart-graph?

    Is there any (easy) way to add zoom / pan functionality to chartjs-chart-graph? I have tried chartjs-plugin-zoom and zoom works fine, but no pan.

    Check this fiddle:


    • Version: Chart.js: 2.9.4, Chart.Graphs: 2.2.1, Zoom plugin: 0.7.7
    • Browser: Chrome Desktop 86.0.4240.111, Firefox 81.0.2

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    opened by mossaiby 5
  • Dashed line in graph

    Dashed line in graph

    The documentation says that the config is derived from the line chart but it doesn’t seem to be working for lines. I am trying to change the line to a dashed line by adding borderDash: [5, 5]

    But it causes the graph rendering to fail with the below error:

    edgeLine.ts:58 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'setLineDash' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The provided value cannot be converted to a sequence.
        at EdgeLine.draw (edgeLine.ts:58)
    opened by ghost 4
  • Cannot require the module

    Cannot require the module

    Hi, thanks for publishing this library! When I require the module in my React App, I get a strange require error - see below

    To Reproduce

    Import the library using a normal require

    var test = require('chartjs-chart-graph')

    Another example with an actual portion of the code I'm using:

    import { makeStyles } from "@material-ui/core"
    import React from "react"
    import { useEffect, useState } from "react"
    import { ApiService } from "../../../services/Api.service"
    import { Project } from "../../../types/project"
    import { Chart } from "chart.js"
    import { ForceDirectedGraphController, EdgeLine } from 'chartjs-chart-graph';
    const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
        root: {
        canvas: {
            maxWidth: '50%',
            marginLeft: 'auto',
            marginRight: 'auto'

    Expected behavior Object is imported

    Actual Behavior

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
        at http://localhost/static/js/1.chunk.js:77423:92
        at Module../node_modules/chartjs-chart-graph/build/index.esm.js (http://localhost/static/js/1.chunk.js:77427:5)
        at __webpack_require__ (http://localhost/static/js/bundle.js:785:30)
        at fn (http://localhost/static/js/bundle.js:151:20)
        at Module../src/components/project/results/TaxaChart.tsx (c:\Users\dmarq\Documents\proteus\dayhoff\web\src\components\project\results\TaxaChart.tsx:7:1)
        at __webpack_require__ (http://localhost/static/js/bundle.js:785:30)
        at fn (http://localhost/static/js/bundle.js:151:20)
        at Module../src/components/project-list/ProjectCollapsibleRow.tsx (http://localhost/static/js/main.chunk.js:3953:84)
        at __webpack_require__ (http://localhost/static/js/bundle.js:785:30)
        at fn (http://localhost/static/js/bundle.js:151:20)
        at Module../src/components/project-list/ProjectsTable.tsx (http://localhost/static/js/main.chunk.js:4883:80)
        at __webpack_require__ (http://localhost/static/js/bundle.js:785:30)
        at fn (http://localhost/static/js/bundle.js:151:20)
        at Module../src/components/project-list/Projects.tsx (http://localhost/static/js/main.chunk.js:4615:72)
        at __webpack_require__ (http://localhost/static/js/bundle.js:785:30)
        at fn (http://localhost/static/js/bundle.js:151:20)
        at Module../src/App.tsx (http://localhost/static/js/main.chunk.js:228:91)
        at __webpack_require__ (http://localhost/static/js/bundle.js:785:30)
        at fn (http://localhost/static/js/bundle.js:151:20)
        at Module../src/index.tsx (http://localhost/static/js/main.chunk.js:6928:62)
        at __webpack_require__ (http://localhost/static/js/bundle.js:785:30)
        at fn (http://localhost/static/js/bundle.js:151:20)
        at Object.1 (http://localhost/static/js/main.chunk.js:7332:18)
        at __webpack_require__ (http://localhost/static/js/bundle.js:785:30)
        at checkDeferredModules (http://localhost/static/js/bundle.js:46:23)
        at Array.webpackJsonpCallback [as push] (http://localhost/static/js/bundle.js:33:19)
        at http://localhost/static/js/main.chunk.js:1:59


    • Version: ^3.0.0-beta.9
    • Chart.js version: 3.0.0-beta.13
    • Browser: Chrome

    Additional context What I have tried

    • Manually importing the library by downloading the source code
    • Cloning my own project on another folder
    • Use import syntax instead

    Please let me know if you need details on anything else

    opened by diegomarquezp 3
  • support directed edges

    support directed edges

    It would be great if directed edges are supported as in an arrow head to indicate the direction of the edge

    User story

    support of directed graphs

    Additional context

    opened by sgratzl 3
  • Support DOT graphviz format

    Support DOT graphviz format

    It would be great if this plugin supported creating trees from the GraphViz DOT standard format: That would enable more use cases.

    User story I'm currently using chart.js for plotting data, and vis-network ( for displaying tree/hierarchical data because the source produces it in DOT format. This results in a large chunk of rendering-related code in my final software package that could be significantly reduced if I could simply use this plugin with chart.js.

    Just an idea, thanks for your library!

    opened by s4m0r4m4 3
  • Make this extension available without npm

    Make this extension available without npm

    It would be great to be able to use this extension (and the other ones you've made) client-side, which cannot be done currently since the only way to install is through npm. Ideally it would be a single js file that can be loaded via a CDN, just like the original Chart.js.

    User story

    My use case is a small application to provide charts based on data given by the user. The whole thing fits in a few JavaScript files that are executed client-side. In fact, the whole thing works as a static site. I can use vanilla Chart.js, but this extension only works server-side currently, so I cannot use it.

    question answered 
    opened by JosephChataignon 2
  • Basic Implementation

    Basic Implementation

    Finished upgrading to ChartJS v3 and really liking the plugins you have here. Specifically the tree after working in the D3 world.

    How do I go about implementing? Meaning other plugins state something like "To create a sankey chart, include chartjs-chart-sankey.js after chart.js and then create the chart by setting the type attribute to 'sankey'".

    Easy enough. But I can't find any equivalent chartjs-chart-graph.js to reference. Everything in the samples are "index.umd.ts".

    I've tried bringing the entire folder structure into my project and reference but end up with errors ranging from "Cannot use import statement outside a module" to "Error: "dendogram" is not a registered controller.".

    I am building in just HTML5/Javascript environment.

    Any direction would be greatly appreciated.

    question answered 
    opened by glimpsedchaos 2
  • Is it possible to change the spacing between branches?

    Is it possible to change the spacing between branches?

    Hi Samuel, the library is working wonders. I've been able to display a taxonomical tree with lots of branches (~30)

    I'm having the following question... Is it possible to increment the space between each branch so some labels don't overlap?

    Screenshots / Sketches image That's the currently configured tree.


    • Version: 3.0.0-beta.9
    • Browser: Chrome
    opened by diegomarquezp 2
  • Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7

    Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7

    Bumps ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7.

    • c74c8af 1.3.7
    • 024b8b5 update deps, add linting
    • 032fbaf Use Object.create(null) to avoid default object property hazards
    • 2da9039 1.3.6
    • cfea636 better git push script, before publish instead of after
    • 56d2805 do not allow invalid hazardous string as section name
    • See full diff in compare view
    Maintainer changes

    This version was pushed to npm by isaacs, a new releaser for ini since your current version.

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    Dependabot commands and options

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    opened by dependabot[bot] 2
  • unable to install

    unable to install

    When I try to install the package using npm getting

    npm ERR! code E403 npm ERR! 403 403 Forbidden - GET

    To Reproduce

    Expected behavior



    • Version:
    • Browser:

    Additional context

    help wanted invalid question 
    opened by kanumuri9593 2
  • build(deps): bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2

    build(deps): bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2

    Bumps json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2.

    Release notes

    Sourced from json5's releases.


    • Fix: Properties with the name __proto__ are added to objects and arrays. (#199) This also fixes a prototype pollution vulnerability reported by Jonathan Gregson! (#295). This has been backported to v1. (#298)

    Sourced from json5's changelog.

    Unreleased [code, diff]

    v2.2.3 [code, diff]

    v2.2.2 [code, diff]

    • Fix: Properties with the name __proto__ are added to objects and arrays. (#199) This also fixes a prototype pollution vulnerability reported by Jonathan Gregson! (#295).

    v2.2.1 [code, diff]

    • Fix: Removed dependence on minimist to patch CVE-2021-44906. (#266)

    v2.2.0 [code, diff]

    • New: Accurate and documented TypeScript declarations are now included. There is no need to install @types/json5. (#236, #244)

    v2.1.3 [code, diff]

    • Fix: An out of memory bug when parsing numbers has been fixed. (#228, #229)

    v2.1.2 [code, diff]

    ... (truncated)


    Dependabot compatibility score

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    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
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